I put in for some tickets, and I'm pretty sure I'll be going. Anyone have any knowledge of the area and suggestions on where to stay etc? I've looked at hotels and most seem to be booked up already.
im visiting my father in LA dec 26 - dec 31..... if we go to the rose i am going to beg the airline to let me reschedule my flight to leave on the 2nd!
My grandfather applied for 4 tickets, I think we'll get them, but now everyone in my freaking family wants to go. Bunch of freakin bandwaggoners. I announced that anyone other than my grandfather/grandmother that wants to go has to name every starter for the Arkansas game. Not that I could name the entire O-line (no offense O line, I love you, just never can remember who's starting when) or anything, but now I have revealed a few of those losers who just want to go to Pasadena. Anyways, what about student tickets? I've never tried for bowl season tickets before.
good thing those postseason requests were due before the rose bowl talk became likely. Student tickets work the same way as away games. Put in a request and they dish them out via your Football student priority. I think its like 20 points for a home game and 5 or so for an away game. Anybody over the set number of priorty points needed to get a ticket, gets tickets. They'll send you an email via PAWS when we know which Bowl. Usually for the high profile bowls like the Sugar you can only request one ticket. The Peach bowl you could request two. Maybe you could request two to the Rose due to the vast amount of land between Baton Rouge and Pasedena. Its hard for that many college students to afford to make the trip. Any more questions let me know.
Simple, don't stay in Pasadena. Commute. BTW, when I have to work in the San Gabriel Valley and don't feel like commuting back to South OC, I just grab the Motel 6 in Arcadia. Anywhere along the 210 fwy should be good for you, but avoid Covina. You also might want to stay in OC, you can commute up the 57 to the 210. It isn't that bad. Lot's of options, man. Don't sweat it.