I personally don't care about the Saints, so from people in my POV - the Saints leaving makes no difference & definitely doesn't impact LSU football in any way. As far as Saints fans go, I suppose it's possible for them to become LSU fans as they will need a football team to pull for, making the Saints leaving a good thing for LSU. The only possible bad thing about it that I can even guess, would be a problem where if the Saints leave, the state becomes less interested in football. I really don't see how that's possible, but it's the only negative thing I could think of.
I love the Saints. But at this point, I don't know if the state can afford them. If I was Benson, I would move them too...
Oddly enough, I think the only team to really gain from the Saints leaving would be Tulane. Without the Saints, more people might be inclined to see the Green Wave. I don't think LSU would be affected indiferently except for the publicity. LSU would now have the front page of the Times Picayune all to themselves instead of sharring it.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to CParso again. I echo most of your statements. Doesn't hurt states like Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Nebraska and Oklahoma. They all get along real well without an NFL team.
Coincidentally, those are some of the states that support their college teams the most. I wouldn't want to live in them either, but the fact remains: College teams can flurish without NFL presence.
I do know that if the Saints leave, the NFL will be dead to me. But I wouldn't say that would necessary increase my support for LSU, because I'm already a fan. I'd say in large that most fans who could be LSU fans are already LSU fans. Maybe they would start spending more money on LSU? For the record, I'd love to see the Saints stay, especially if it could be done without Tom Benson or his granddaughter. Probably the only way that would happen would be the Cleveland deal.
I'm not an aint's fan. I said to hell with them a few years ago. I haven't jumped on anyone else's bandwagon because I will not support an out of state team as long as we have one here. So I said to hell with pro football. I would be overjoyed if the aint's left, then I could back another team. Maybe we could build another one, in the state, that doesn't suck. To tie this in, I don't think it would impact LSU much at all, if any. /Just thinking out loud, I doubt they really leave. I couldn't be that fortunate.
The New Orleans Saints need to fade into historical oblivion, just like the St. Louis Browns did. LSU will be better off without them. Without the Stinking Saints in NOLA, there will be more demand to see LSU football. I want the Saints to disappear. I want the Saints to lose every game they ever play in the future, whether they play in NOLA or not (hopefully not). This can only help LSU football.