The obvious answer might be yes, because more attention will be focused on the tigers, hence more money. But maybe I'm not thinking this all the way through.
I am so sick of Benson holding the state hostage with his pathetic football team. I could not agree with Nagin more, give us the Cleveland deal!
I would like the Vikings here! Which would be the Cleveland deal in a sense, because they want to live Minnesota
Sounds like maybe the gauntlet has been thrown down with the Saints. Didn't Benson fire someone this week.
Yes... that one guy was the only advocate for the Saints playing 8 games in Baton Rouge... IT seems like anyone who isnt 100% Pro-San Antonio has no shot in the front office
Ok, I thought I read that happened. Well lets see, How would LSU benefit? Are talking more Fans in general to suppport the University? Ticket Sales? (Although I think these are having no problems lately)
I really don't think it will make much of an impact. Most people are apathetic towards the Saints and have been for a long time, or at least my circle of friends are. LSU has been the only game in town for as long as I can remember.
Just thinking out loud, but does a football vacuum in New Orleans make Tulane football more attractive? We're going to be playing those suckers for a decade. If they get more support, they might become a better team and start competing for the same recruits. /just thinking out loud. I dont actually think it will happen, but it may.
I, for one, hope it does make Tulane more competitive. I would love to have an actual in state rival.