I was surfing and Auburn board and one posed an interesting question

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TexasTigers, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    No.. No flaming of Auburn here. I thought they posed an interesting (If not arrogant) question.

    The question - Would you trade your Auburn Degree and Loyalty to Coach Alabama for 1.2 million /year ?
    Most of the replies were HELL no.

    So I pose to you. LSU Degree and Loyalty to coach Auburn for 1.2 Million a year.

    My Answer - Hand me a clip board an Auburn hat and WAR DAMN EAGLE !!!!!!!

    1.2 Million a year - Hell when do I start. Just warning you chuck I am a well polished PS2 Ncaa 2003 player. SO i will never punt, always kick on side kick.
  2. MikeD

    MikeD Sports Genius

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I'm saying 1.2 million dollars while hold my pinkie Dr. Evil style. Now, if it's 1.2 million versus 30 thousands/yr then it's a no brainer. But if it's something like 1.2 at Auburn and 800,000 here then I'd tell Auburn thanks, but go to hell.

    I too have polished NCAA 2003 so the play calling may get repetitive at times. Twins left I-form counter trap from the left hash marks is a TD every time!
  3. TigerLifer3

    TigerLifer3 Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    can I be the Offensive Coordinator??

    but I gotta warn you I wanna make Marvin Lewis NFL type assitant coach money...about 1.2 millon a year.....also a vet of NCAA 2003....but I created a school under my real name....and right now in heisman mode I am ranked 1st in the country and fixing to play Miami in the championship game I average around 50 points a game and I always run plays out of the Shotgun formation....speed options, draws, off tackle plays, and spread Em out passing attack 5 receiver sets...my school is located in Monroe Louisiana, and interesting enough my quarterback I picked out in my latest recruiting class is starting as a true freshman has the last name of LANE....maybe an omen of great things to come....well please consider my resume......I got 16 national championships, and have only lost 3 games in about 6 1/2 months of owning the game.
  4. chuck

    chuck Founding Member

    Jan 10, 2002
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    trying to bring this down on . .

    to a level I can relate with (no one will be offering me anything at a rate of 1M anytime soon) -

    I agree with Mike D and texastigers . .

    If Alabama was to offer me a 6 figure job as a professor, I would take it - however, I would take an Auburn job at 80,000, over an Alabama job at 100,000.

    texastigers - with your style of coaching . you resemble Tubby when he first got to Auburn . .:)
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Do you guys ever go outside?
  6. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Very Rarley I am married so any former life has been removed.

    I purchased a 61 inch widescreen so I can split the screen to two 47 inch tvs so my wife can watch Trading Spaces on one side and I can play PS2 on the other. Right now I am 3 tournaments away from mastering Tiger Woods 2003. I shot a 42 (Yes on 18) on Pebble Beach last night. I eagled the first 4 holes.

    So it is a life I have been assigned to....

    in 2002 I won 59 National Titles with LSU and Rohan and Reed played for LSU every 5 years or so. Reed won the Hiesman 7 times.

    Has anyone played Madden 2003 on the Internet yet. It is great. The Saints have NO defense but The Duece is great.
  7. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I haven't left my desk in a few days watching what's been transpiring everywhere. But hey, my employees think I'm accomplishing something! The stack of paperwork on my desk that measured about 3 ft high this morning is now divided into 3 12" stacks! Progress!

    I'm with Texas Tigers on this one....I'd be gone! Fans have a fanatical perspective on things...but I'd dare say most saying "Hell No!" in that poll won't see a 1/4 of 1.2 million in their lifetime. Careers are one thing and it's seems to be easy to forget football is our entertainment not our family's well being.
  8. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I think this question raises (As Terry did so well) the fact the more often then not people take this whole College Football thing a bit to seriously.

    Look I love LSU, my home and the people I grew up with in Louisiana. Sure we rip on Auburn, but honestly if you are in a fox hole in WW2, would you rather have an Auburn fan fighting with you or some foriegner or someone from San Fransisco ?

    Me give me the Auburn fan. No question, Heck give me Tuberville then someone from California.

    It is just a game, we are all americans. I would coach Auburn for 200,000 a year to be honest. For me that is considerably larger then what I am making now. AND I get to be involved in something I love College football.

    BUT !, I would pull a Fran on them in a second if the LSU job came open ;)

    I would bring a MNC to Death Valley with my No punting and punishing rushing attack.
  9. I'd take their money but I know which game we would be loosing every year....like clock work

    : )
  10. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Ha ha.. Good point. We would go 11-1 everyear.

    I could see it now. Headline WEN !

    Coach TexasTiger once again goes against his coaching strategy that has gotten him 9 wins this season and punts on 1st down. Auburns D returns and interception to the LSU 1 only to turn around on Offense and run 99 yards for the safety.

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