I still love you even though it's football season...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerFan23, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. TigerFan23

    TigerFan23 USMC Tiger

    Dec 11, 2003
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    Got this great letter in an email. I'm sure it's something we could all use for significant others and whatnot:

    Dear (wife or girlfriend),

    Football season is here, cupcake, but I don't love football more than
    you. I promise. Your friend who is a size 18 and says that is lying.
    She's just angry with you because you forgot to get double butter on
    the popcorn when you went to see the re-release of Transamerica last
    Saturday night.

    When she said I wasn't that into you and softly snapped her buttered
    fingers, that wasn't true. It's just that football is here and I'm
    into football, too. So I'm penning this letter to let you know I love
    you more than football and also to go ahead and apologize in advance
    for all the things that might make you upset this season.

    First of all, I apologize for (insert single friend's name here). I
    know you're still upset about last season when he got too drunk to
    leave and slept on our couch. I know you said it stunk for three
    months and that we ended up with an added charge on our Comcast bill
    that was itemized for Backdoor 40+ Double D's. I promise he had
    nothing to do with that. You really don't need to know why he didn't,
    but basically he doesn't like girls who are older than 18. Or even 18,
    really. I'd explain his rationale, but it involves grass on the field
    and I know you prefer basketball.

    Second, I apologize for not wanting to hang out with your
    girlfriends' guy friends from work who don't have any guy friends of
    their own. It's not that I don't appreciate you wanting to help us
    "meet new couple friends," it's just that any other guy who doesn't
    already have guy friends is friendless for a reason. Especially if he
    doesn't even have friends to watch sports with. Frankly, he sucks.
    Maybe not literally, but definitely figuratively. So I'm not coming
    over to watch games at his trendy loft condo with skylights and walls
    that are cool because they're half brick and half plaster. I'm afraid
    when I get there he'll be crying into his industry chic espresso

    Third, when I go out of town to attend football games I promise I
    won't do keg stands this year. I'm grown now. You were right when you
    said keg stands were only for frat boys. You left off girls wearing
    skirts but I'm not holding that against you. To prove it I won't even
    look at the girls wearing skirts.

    OK, remember when you said you wanted me to be honest? I'm going to
    look at the girls wearing skirts who do keg stands. But only because
    I'll be helping to hold them up so they don't fall over while they're

    Fourth, I apologize for not only being unavailable for Saturday and
    Sundays in September but also being unavailable for all of October,
    November, and December weekends. See, television dictates game times.
    And while I'm sure I can squeeze in a couple of hours before or after
    kickoff, I'm not even really sure when kickoff is going to be for
    later season games. You can imagine how difficult this is for me.

    Also, and no matter what, I'm not going to your cousin Lorraine's
    wedding that she scheduled for (insert rivalry game here). Not because
    I think she's going to be divorced within six months of the wedding,
    well, I kind of do, but just because she scheduled her wedding when
    she did. I hate her. I'm sorry, but you want me to be more expressive
    with my feelings, right? I'm trying.

    Fifth, I'm sorry for whatever I break when my team loses. I know this
    disappoints you because you "expect more from a grown man." And I know
    you're still upset from last year when I tried to be mature about
    breaking things and asked you to move everything that was breakable
    out of our den during football season so I wouldn't be tempted.

    I thought this was being "proactive" but you told me I was being
    "malicious and destructive and passive aggressive." Or something like
    that. You used a lot of big words and lost me because you were wearing
    a tank top with your good bra. Not that your other bras are bad but
    just that one is really good. Anyway, I'm not going to break your
    mom's Lladro. I promise. Or those really scary Precious Moments
    figurines you like where angel babies kiss while ice skating beside
    Jesus. I know better than that.

    Sixth, when you come into the room and see the DVR paused on the
    cheerleaders that's not because we are ogling. It's because once
    (insert friend's name here) told us guys that all the starting
    offensive linemen give the cheerleaders pearl necklaces before they go
    onto the field and we're just checking to see whether they are still
    wearing them. But, regardless, you should know, their boobs never look
    as good as yours do in the good bra. Again, I'm not saying that you
    have bad bras. Just some are much better than others. Like the
    difference between Marino in 1984 vs. Marino in 1994. One is a classic
    all-star at the peak of his career and the other is still a Hall of
    Famer. Not even if the cheerleaders have nip slips and we catch it on
    television do they look anywhere as good as you.

    Seventh, I apologize for not letting you wash my lucky T-shirt. I
    know it smells. It's just you've always had a lot better sense of
    smell than I have. Except for those scented candles you always burn
    ... those smell great. They're lovely. Like burning cinnamon. You know
    how much I like cinnamon. But when my team is winning it could upset
    everything if I start washing it. Don't worry if your friends are
    coming over, I'll stay in the basement so they don't smell me.

    Eighth, when I curse in front of your nieces and nephews who have
    such strict parents that they've never even had a Coke or tasted sugar
    in their life, I'm not trying to corrupt them. Also, I apologize for
    trying to cover for myself last year and telling your nephew that I
    was just saying "fruck" and that when you saw a really cool truck it
    was a fruck. I know how much your sister Deborah was bothered by him
    picking this up so quickly. Who knew kids were such sponges? (Remember
    to wear yours.) Finally, I'm not going to give the kids real sugar
    cookies and lots of caffeine again. I'll give them straight shots of
    whiskey. It's a joke, a joke honey. Only water. Not even any lemons.

    Ninth, please don't ask me right after a loss, while I'm still mad
    and cursing, whether a "silly football game" is more important than
    our relationship. I can't be responsible for my answers right after a
    team loses. Especially if it's because of a late fumble. After all,
    you didn't call Deborah up right after her first miscarriage and ask
    her whether you were still her favorite sister, did you? It's the same
    principle here.

    So, I guess what I'm saying is I love you ... and football.


    (Insert name here)
  2. PhilosophyAskew

    PhilosophyAskew Founding Member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    My wife knows that during football seasons, Saturdays are off limits. The trade-off is that Sundays are "for her" which translates into "do this" and "do that" for me. So I spend more time keeping up with college football than the pros, fortunately for me there are great programs like "The Blitz" and "NFL Live" to keep me up to date.

    I do get to watch the Saints when they are on TV. But at this rate, they'll be blacked out. :confused:
  3. TigerFan23

    TigerFan23 USMC Tiger

    Dec 11, 2003
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    On the subject of fall weddings, this November, THREE of my friends are getting married one weekend after the other. And here's the kicker, all three of the couples went to LSU. So the first wedding is the Bama game, the next one is La Tech, and the third is Ole Miss. Some people are just so selfish and inconsiderate...
  4. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    hey, my HUSBAND knows saturdays are off limits! so y'all just have the wrong kind of girls!:grin:

    and the way the saints are playing, just as well they be blacked out. it spares a bit of heart ache! :hihi:
  5. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    I do not have this problem.

    My wife sits next to me at home during every game. Yells louder than me, and has a full understanding of the game. She could embarrass a lot of the "see me" fans with her knowledge of the game. I have been teaching her for 11 years. She never complained, only asked more questions to learn more about the game.

    She can name every player by their jersey number, and most of the big players on opposing teams as well.

    So be envious of me. My wife rules when it comes to football.

    Plus she is hot. So ha ha ha.
  6. phlashman

    phlashman Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    My wife is from N,Cali...wasnt even a college football fan before I introduced her to The LSU Tigers. Now she gets louder than I do...LOL. Even here in Fla and around my neighborhood, they all know when LSU plays on TV.


    GEAUX....TIGAHZ!!!!!!!! "Beat the "Hell" outa UK!!!
  7. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I have the reverse problem. I absolutely LIVE for football; my husband is the whiny one in that scenario. I think he has ADD and has trouble watching anything for that long.

    After I sank to my knees on the floor of our living room when Lavalais stepped on the OLineman who stepped on Eli Manning to end the '03 Ole Miss game, he looked at me and said, "I'm worried about you. You are truly obsessed with LSU football."

    He was merely amused by me on Saturday night--when I went from one end of our family room to the other during "the DRIVE." I absolutely couldn't find a comfortable place to sit or stand.

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