I am in a discussion with a bama guy and would like the opinion of LSU fans. The question is.....who do you think has more integrity, Saban or Tuberville? The question is not who is the best coach but who has the highest standards/integrity/honesty. You guys are the only ones who are currently in a position to fairly evaluate both. Could someone do a poll here?
Sheez, the lesser of two evils! :hihi: :thumb: Only cause it's for you I'll say, Get him to admit that Tubberville has ANY then he beats Saban. At least TT pulled out the cig in front of us and he didn't cornhole us!
screw them both...I dont like neither one of them...one's a flat out Liar...and the other's got no integrity. You will never see a real coach, or Man..for that matter...rub a win in a losers face. Joe Paterno,Bobby Bowden,Bear Bryant...would never stoop as low as Tubberville.
What did Tubbs do? I heard something (in passing) that he was ribbing some of the Bama players after the Iron Bowl win but didn't think much of it.
Funny. I have to say that the question is about integrity/honesty, not stupidity. I will readily admit Tubs has done some stupid things
at best, he's loyal to his school, more than Saban. But given the right amount of money, anyone's for sale.
The fact is, as shown on TV, he made a point of going across the field to shake hands with Ken Darby and a couple of other bama players. He didn't rib anybody.
We have no way of judging the total integrity of ether coach, PT. Any coach has both virtues and faults. Whatever fine virtues Tuberville possesses, he is also certainly guilty of bad sportmanship and allowing his players to do so. Whatever virtues Saban possesses, he also has lied publicly several times. Apples and oranges. One coach has honesty issues and the other has character issues.