How did this stick? This has to be the most assinine thing I think you could ever call a opposing fan....? Especially since they stole the saying from another college's rival school. honestly? corndogs? Penis Envy
It's funny you bring this up. We had some goobers at the grove comment as some LSU fans in front of us walked by that they smelled corn dogs.....we just looked over at them in their goofy azz pink plaid pants and pink shirts and busted out laughing. It was really funny because we were laughing so hard and loud that the idiots were embarassed by all the attention they brought on themselves. :rofl:
I live in Florida. When I heard we were playing you guys in the CapOne, some of my Gator neighbors said, "oh, you're playing the corndogs".... so I thought perhaps that was what other SEC fans "lovingly" called you. ...random thoughts from a "plow boy"....
It makes it all the more ignorant knowing the fact the Lousiana is famous through out the world for having the best cuisine in North America. None can compare.
That's the great part about a game in Oxford, nothing else makes me laugh so hard. I needed that. With the weebles, you feel no need to defend yourself. Hell, you couldn't if you wanted to, you're too busy laughing. I loved the new sticker: O The Coach :rofl:
You guys had my sides aching from laughter during our walk around campus.... When a Ole Miss fan would run up and talk trash (and yes, a few actually did), one of you would say one word, Wyoming, and they would shut up immediately. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: