Boy it was sure good to see the defense back to its unstoppable form. That play action pass play was a fluke. I knew LSU would win as long as the D stopped Darby, and we did a great job on that. Offense, played the best they could against Ala. defense. I was not impressed with Russell in th first quarter. In fact, I dont think Randall played to well either. Good thing we have a great running game. BUT I was impressed with Russell in the 4th quarter. He picked up the blitz very well when he threw the screen to Addai and Addai ran in for a TD. Now, these last 3 games is gut check time for this team. A slow start to the season, I can accept two road loses to AU and UGA, (we still should have beaten AU o: and I can get over poor performances against Vandy and Troy since we won both games. But this is it. These last 3 games will show us what the 2004 team is really made of. So far, we have come through. Now it's time to beat Ole Miss. :lsug: