I have noticed that when Jamarcus Russell throws a touchdown he raises his hands and points toward the sky, does anyone know why he does that? :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige
That is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is not what I meant though:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I assume he his giving thanks to God. Or maybe he is asking God to shut these stupid LSU fans up who criticize him unmercifully.:grin:
Uhhh . . . raising both hands is the signal for "touchdown". I did it too. When LSU scored the last touchdown in the 2003 Sugar Bowl I jumped up and signalled "Touchdown" . . . and put both hands into the ceiling fan.
JR is a very religious guy. Go read his profile on lsusports.net. He is having a brief moment with the man upstairs.
He is not raising both hands, just one. And that must hurt too when you put your hands into the ceiling fan.
And without merit. For God sakes, do fans on ANY other boards treat their starting QB like we do after a come from behind road win against a top 10 ranked conference rival? I only hope JR doesn't read these boards. LSU has the best and worst fans of any team in the nation.