Greetings all I know its been about 25 forevers since I stuck my head in here, but alot has changed. First of all, my mother had a wreck in feburary and lost her right arm (she was hit by a 18 wheeler) but luckily she was in a ford excursion..which was like hitting a army tank..but shes making great progress and recovery and is in great spirits Life is the same here in Oxford, Im moving back to campus this week, and football is in the air (now if our damn "coach" (and I say that lightly) can pull his head out of his screaming rear end, we might win something) I might actually be planning a trip down to LSU country to watch Ole Miss get slaughtered (please get me out of there alive if I do) anyway..I hope you guys are doing as well out there, Im assuming its as unmercifully hot everywhere else as it is here) with no rain Andrew P.S.....GO REBS:lol: