thanks to some members here and my personal collection! Thanks guys!/Gals you know who you are! :thumb:
NICE. I just had my office moved so the wallpaper gotta wait for the P/G paint. I did manage to tiger bait 13 new office doors today. I am the SoCal P/G terriost! :geaux:
Nice, office looks awesome and classy. I'm going to show my daughter, who I had to reason with to get her to let go of her poster with Hester :hihi: to see how much it meant so she can understand. I'd told her there was this nice man who didn't live in La. and didn't have the opportunity to get to LSU games and I thought he'd really like to have the calendar for his office. She actually didn't have a problem and was glad to- she has a real big heart. I am LOVING the Chow Chow you sent and have gotten the website and plan to order more.
From this past season? or next? I don't have anymore left from this season, she'd picked it up at the MTSU game but let me know.
Saaaaweeeeeeeet! I've got some Tiger paraphernalia scattered about through my office, but yours is da bomb dude!:thumb: :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
OH so i shoulda sent HER the chow chow instead? lol thank her over and over for me! AND if anyone has a Times Picayune ( extra copy ) then I could have one for each NC this decade. Id gladly send plenty of chow chow lol :crystal: also does anyone remeber who sold thos championship footballs? id like to match those also. AND does anyone remember the exact time the clock ran out central time? I set my clock as close as I could to the eastern time they won the game. Everyone always asks me why it is stuck, I tell them it isnt that's just the time of daY WHen we won the NC