I get more depressed the more I see...

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by TigerEducated, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I've heard about the liberal bias in the media for many years...

    I often sat slack-jawed in my summer semester grad level International Politics Class when Dr. Harry Mbella Mokeba and the rest of my Democratically minded classmates talked about how-just 100 days into office-that President George Bush was responsible for the Recession.

    I have read it in the New York Times on an almost daily basis, since part of most of my classes (no matter his bias, Dr. Mokeba-from Cameroon-was my favorite professor at LSU) with him was to read the International Politics briefings he would find for us.

    I have read the atrocious attacks-from the ABC Internal memos that came from their senior News Directors saying that they should cover the election with an "uneven bias" in favor of John Kerry.

    We have all seen the ridiculous stance from Dan Rather after the Document-Gate fiasco. We all saw him stick to the story. We even saw him make the idiotic statement that, "If these documents turn out to be false, I'd like to be the one who breaks that story."

    Hello, Dan! If you have someone asking you about the documents authenticity, looks like someone might have already broken and uncovered the story ahead of you there, you wannabe Cronkite!

    Finally, the icing on the cake...CBS sister cable station, MTV...Just look at this link, people...

    Republicans have NEVER openly lobbied for a freaking draft...Bush has repeatedly said it's not necessary...

    Charlie Rangel, a Democrat from New York, is actually the person who put the bill into the Hopper! The Democrats are the ones who are saying that people who registered for the US Army Reserves and the National Guard are being conscripted into the military (This is a lie; They may not have thought they'd have to serve, but it's a price you pay for free education from Uncle Sam. Think twice next time if you're uneasy about it).

    Basically, in other words, the Democrats are the ones talking about a draft!

    But, just look at this link...Just look at it, and the poppycock that's attached to it, staring our young people in the face...It's a joke.

  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i had dr mokeba for intro to intl politics and also for international law. he is ok. my favorite professor was dr mulcahy. the most overrated professor award goes to dr parent.

    i am not frustrated by liberal media. they are liberal. i acknowledge it, then do not care.
  3. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Liberal bias, my ass.

    In the past 3 days we've lost 20 American soldiers, the Republican National Committee has been found to be systematically paying consulting firms to take voting registrations then trashing them, Karl Rove went in front of a grand jury for his part in the Valerie Plame leak, and what do we hear on all the news and cable networks? Mary ****ing Cheney.

    The information in the Dan Rather memos was true, Bush National Guard documents keep leaking out that further confirm his AWOL status (even when Bush promised that he had released everything), there's a pile of evidence that Karl Rove planted the fake memos, but all we hear is about one phony memo.

    ABC showed conclusively this week with interviews of Vietnamese villagers that Kerry's Silver Star story was accurate, but what does Sinclair Broadcasting do? Schedule an anti-Kerry smear "documentary" in prime time as "news."

    I hope that Kerry's first act as president is to bust the news monopolies that Bush has managed to give to his friends. They are a disgrace to this democracy, and have helped him to hang on to his putrid regime. With an honest media he would have been impeached as a traitor a long time ago.
  4. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    And all we get is more bile from Comrade Rex...
  5. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Rex, did you ever submit that plagirized paper you claimed you wrote to that LSU English Department professor?

    This guy came up with some paper on the Old Tiger's "Liar" political forum, known as the (Back Door) Alley...I forget the actual topic...It may have been the existence of God or something else he doesn't believe in...

    Another long-time member actually cut & pasted his paper into a website that searches online suppositories and checks for plagiarism, and it came back with a few different hits that this was a paper written by someone else, other than Mr. Rexford out of South Carolina...

    He went on and on, in a quite Clintonesque fashion about how that was not plagirism, and that certain aspects of the paper were "rewritten" for his own purposes, and even if large sections and tracts of thought were exactly the same in tenor, meaning, and even text, that it was not plagirism.

    I then offered to step in, submit the paper to an English Department Professor or someone in the English Department at LSU in charge of plagirism decisions. Totally anonymously, and simply have a letter written to accompany the two papers.

    It was to please analyze the two papers (They would be numbered Paper #1 for his submission, and Paper #2 for the online recovery paper that we claimed was proof of his plagirism). Then it was to take into account that Paper #1 was turned in by a student, and Paper #2 was found online, and by cutting and pasting Paper #1 into the site (Which the name was listed). Then it was merely to make a decision on whether under LSU's plagirism standards at its English Department, would Paper #1 be considered to have been plagirized.

    Mr. Rex here refused, unless he was able to specifically speak to the professor the paper was submitted to privately in order to explain exactly what was going on.

    In other words, the subject at hand could not alone explain itself. He could not let his own work stand on its own as a specific and unique literary work courtesy of his own intellect.

    Therein lies the crux of the man...Everyone-EVERYONE-who knew the story unfolding on the Alley knew he had plagirized the letter. Everyone knew he had egg on his face. Everyone knew he was a damn fool. Yet he kept on hitting the tar baby. So damn prideful he was cutting his nose off to spite his face.

    Rather than admit ANYTHING, he tried to change the subject, turn the entire ordeal on its ear, and claim some sort of silly trivial personal grudges to cover up for the reality of his situation:

    He's the dumbest smart guy you've ever met.
  6. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    International Law, martin, or for International Organizations? I think I took him for a POLI 4042-a night class on International Organizations like NGO's, IO's, and MNC's, etc...

    How can a Political Science Teacher teach a law class? He was a member of the Department of Political Science, for all I knew...

    At any rate...He had a passion for the subjects he taught. Sometimes, you can filter out the spin and get down to the fact that no matter that he trashed the right leaning America and trumped up France, Russia, GB, and others to our detriment, he had intimately studied the subjects and had a very good knowledge.

    He was also a man of the world, and a true refugee. If Dr. Mokeba ever ventures back to Cameroon, he will be killed by the government. I assure you of that. I also really dug those silly hats he continually wore to class.

    The other problem with this post, martin, is that you know what's going on, but you sit back and espouse no anger towards it even though you see it for what it is. FIGHTIN(Insanity)Tiger is right...We can look through it, but many cannot. They take the fodder for what it is, whether there's arsenic laced into it or not.

    Its incumbent upon media outlets not to bend the slant of the news. They are but to report it. There's is not to manufacture news they want to be true because of their own beliefs. There's is to report the news that took place.

    Those that have bile in their guts for Fox fail to admit the real problem: That there was a cry for news with a different slant. That people KNEW that the news wasn't just all doom, gloom, and Democratically slanted. It wasn't all liberally slanted.

    To sit back in satisfaction that you know what's going on, and you don't care, you're just happy with your realization, well, it's your right. But, as a member of this society, you are charged with speaking your mind, through voting and political activism, when you see something wrong with our system, whether it be mass media or otherwise.

    If you do not, then you allow the people who you interact with and depend upon to help you maintain and further yourself as you go through this life to sink further and further away from the truth as you know it.

    Passivity is just as much a crime as outright lying, which the liberal media does. You must stand up and say something. If not you, then who? Its not enough just to be aware. You have to make sure those around you are as well...
  7. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    TigerEducated is a liar.

    I wrote an essay about the life of Hypatia, and posted it on Tiger Alley. In my very lengthy essay I included a list of 3 items which she had invented: information I got on the web.

    Apparently my essay was too good, because somebody there accused me of plagiarism.

    I defied anybody there to find that essay anywhere. Nobody could.

    One person came back with the revelation that those 3 items she had invented were on the web, and thus proclaimed that my "plagiarism" had been confirmed, even though those 3 items are common historical knowledge about Hypatia.

    My essay was original both in every sentence, and in its thesis. It was a comparison of the lives and historical treatments of Hypatia versus Cyril, entirely original in its scope.

    TigerEducated apparently is still quite envious of my compository skills.

    By the way, TigerEducated got banned from the Lair and Alley because he was constantly posting deliberately fraudulent information to piss off the subscribers.

    I was not banned, nor was I even asked by the owners to leave. I just decided not to renew.
  8. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    See how defensive he is?

    I was banned from the Lair & The Alley because Crawfish called out people who put money on the owner's table...They pay the owner, helped him establish an advertising presence with the TAF on the site, and THEY fraudulently claimed I "hacked" into the site to read their "private" administrative board, which up until I was told by two very respected members of that site, I had no idea it even existed.

    I took Crawfish's side and told one of the "Money men" on the Lair's brothers to step out of the argument...and I that was my limit in involvement. I found my subscription refunded and I was banned...

    I also had a long conversation with HR, aka Scott, the owner of the site in question...I e-mailed it to more than a few members of the site...and to this day, they can't say they have proof that I've ever hacked the site...I have proof that they even e-mailed me to say that I was worth all the pot-stirring I did on the site...

    Go spew your lies somewhere else, Rex, you small, small speck of a man...You plagirized the paper, you wore out your welcome there with your myopic and utterly insane world views, and I will not allow you to ruin this site with your mind-bending and altogether stupefying personality...

    Go away, you dork.
  9. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    More on TigerEducated's accusation.

    Somebody suggested that my paper be submitted to an LSU professor for a judgment on "plagiarism."

    Was it TigerEducated's suggestion? I don't even remember.

    I agreed. I had nothing to fear. All I asked was that I would be allowed to show the professor that Hypatia's list of 3 inventions was common historical knowledge posted on many websites, and that the forum in which I presented my essay (a political message board) was not the type of forum in which such a list would be required or even expected to be posted.

    If I had been submitting that paper for an assignment or some sort of peer review, I fully acknowledge that I should credit my sources of information. It was ridiculous to expect that I would submit footnotes and a bibliography to a message board post.

    At any rate, my essay, my paragraphs, my sentences, my theme, my thesis, and my conclusions were all original.
  10. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    This is the kind of sh!t I don't even understand...Where did you come up with something like that from, Rex?

    That's just it...You get called out for your own stupidity...Thinking you were so smart to post that ridiculous article you said was all your own, and then someone found you out...You went apesh!t then, and you go off now...It's so easy to see through your tantrums and to the real point:

    You are retarded.

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