I find it strange that we can send 2 land rovers to Mars and a satellite camera to Pluto but we can't invent a car that runs w/out oil and gas. I can't wait until we no longer rely on oil and gas to fuel our vehicles. The only reason we don't have a fuel free car is b/c too many old dinosaurs make money on oil and gas. The government is scared to allow a fuel free car b/c all of those old MF who have the oil industry sold up will have to find a new gravy train. It’s sad how most of the train tracks across America are being ripped up. I guess as long as we have the big rig we don't need coal (less expensive) burning trains anymore. There is too much money being made on oil and gas and too many people are dieing for it.
$$$$$$$ It will take a while before the public can afford to drive 100 million dollar rovers around every day. Seriously though.. The technology is in place but it is simply not cost effective.. yet.
Those $100 million rovers can only travel about 2 or 3 miles per day. Give me a good old gas hog any day.
Coal burning trains? What century do YOU live in? Trains run on diesel nowadays, pal...have for some time, now.
The cars have been invented... They aren't overly expensive either. The problem is lobbyist for the oil industry won't let the competition into the market.