I come in peace to fill you in on something

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Dick the Bruiser, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. Dick the Bruiser

    Dick the Bruiser Freshman

    Sep 5, 2016
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    First off, great game. Now to the meat of my post. I say this not to antagonize you or to cause problems, more so to fill you in on a couple things and give you something more to talk about....LOL

    Here it is....... You guys are going to find out in short order why I for one was actually happy to see Aranda go. Truth is,.... his defense is a FRAUD. Its smoke and mirrors, big thing is that it is VERY unsound. Heres exactly what an Aranda defense will give you most of the time...... Against the bottom feeder types his defense will look like the 85 Bears, against good teams he defense will STILL look very good. But when it comes time to playing teams that have equal or superior talent, teams that are well coached and well oiled,..... his defense will get gashed like you cant believe. Thats just the simple truth of it. A team like Alabama will grind a defense like Aranda's right into the turf in short order. He just takes too many risks always seeking the big play. His defense will make a big sack here and there and some great tackles in the backfield only to give up a dozen plays where they get totally gashed up the gut.

    If you notice, he didnt really BRING IT all that much against UW, and that was probably a good thing for you as Paul Chryst would have had his number and gashed him. Believe it, because its true.

    Anyway,.... didnt come for trouble, just wanted to fill you in a bit. Im sure this post will get discounted and most probably get forgotten very quickly but I guarantee you that as you get into the meat of your schedule you will know first hand exactly what I mean. His stuff is just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too unsound. Good luck with the rest of your season and find a way to do us all a favor and beat Bama!
    Perple likes this.
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    So he is exactly the opposite of the last 2 DC's we had. He takes risks, and it bites him in the ass from time to time? Hmmmm, I think I can live with that.
  3. Dick the Bruiser

    Dick the Bruiser Freshman

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Not from time to time. But against the bigtime programs, teams that are structured, have their schitt together, dont make dumb mistakes, have the talent. Its a defense that on paper will look amazing at the end of the year. Then you will look at the box scores of games against teams like Alabama and Ohio state and say...." WTF??? How is this possible". You dont have to believe me, trust me you will see it for yourself. Against teams like Alabama his defenses will actually perform WORSE then what previous defenses have. A lot worse in fact.
  4. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I don't know if you know this or not but we've been looking at the Alabama box scores and been like WTF anyway. We knew where the holes against Wisconsin would be. Defensive line and linebackers in coverage and that's how Wisconsin was able to move the ball. I'll keep an eye out though, thanks for the info.
  5. Dick the Bruiser

    Dick the Bruiser Freshman

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Awright bud. Take care and good luck.
  6. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    I know this may come as a shocker, but don't most DCs have their worst games against the best teams while looking superhuman against the cupcakes?

    I mean Bama seems to do that to just about everybody.
    GregLSU and Richdog like this.
  7. lsu_dane

    lsu_dane Founding Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Fuck off. His fraud defense still nearly single handedly won the game while being on the field almost the entire time. If we had any type of competent HC your team would have been skull fucked by us and left on the ground.

    Aranda is the least of our worries and his defense was basically the only thing remotely resembling a bright spot.
  8. Dick the Bruiser

    Dick the Bruiser Freshman

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Thats NOT what I mean. Of coarse they can. But I also will tell you that the truly great DC's make their names going up against great teams. Im not saying Aranda should hold a team like Bama under 10,... but in truth he will struggle holding them under 40. Wont be because you dont have the talent either,... you do. It will be because of HIS SCHEME.
  9. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    kinda figured that when 'sconsin out rushed us
  10. Dick the Bruiser

    Dick the Bruiser Freshman

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Wrong,....what kept you in it was that we had a kid at QB who had never started a game before at WI. In fact,... he wont even be starting for us after the 1st 4 or 5 games. Thats when the young gun with Superior talent will take over for us. Houston not only has no experience,.... but he sucks. That combined with silly turnovers is what kept it close. You know it and I know it,... hell, anybody that watched the game knows it. Didnt come here to argue,... just wanted to pass on some info is all. Believe what you want for now,... but in the end you too will see it with your own eyes.

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