I cannot see the Tigers playing a football game against ASU

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by WestCoastTiger, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. SCTMO

    SCTMO Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    Alright, I've been reading this stuff for too long. As a volunteer who has spent time at both the PMAC and Field House throughout the week, that number is GROSSLY inaccurate. Let me repeat what has been said before, the PMAC is not a shelter, nor is the Field House. Both sites are merely places of relief for the worse-off of the evacuees. Though upwards of 30k may pass through the PMAC on a given day, the vast majority of them are triaged, checked out, and sent to a shelter in another city or state. If an evacuee is seriously injured, ill, etc they are treated as best as possible at the PMAC or sent to a hospital. If its a "minor" injury, they are brought to the FIeld House where they can stay for TWO days. Is it hectic and confusing on that side of campus? Yes. Are there plans for it to remain like this next week? No. LSU should play AZ St under the current plans, but it could change if the government intervenes again and forces LSU to continue its relief activities.
  2. Lil Jules

    Lil Jules Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    I seriously can't believe I just read that. Don't be fooled by the steady flow of negative images on television. There is a lot more going on in N.O. than lootings and rapings. I don't think any of us are so perfect as to decide who is "decent". You probably didn't mean anything by it, but be careful what you write.
  3. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    In my opinion, a lot of how the schedule goes, depends on how rescue and recovery goes. Yes there is a time for getting back to some sort of normal life, but I think it would be inappropriate to play at home while rescue and recovery is going on. Once that is complete, and the operations shift into rebuilding then I don't have a problem.

    Playing away while rescue and recover goes on is one thing, but having a huge party down the road while bodies are being pulled out of the water I find inappropriate.

    My opinions come from knowing what OKC went through while a) pulling bodies out of the Murrah Federal Building and b) pulling bodies out of rubble after an F5 tornado that had the highest wind speeds ever recorded on earth. And that tornado now pales in comparison to Katrina.
  4. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Hey Okie should I get in on this thread also?

    I said my peice earlier and anyone that did not see or read the 'Soapbox Rant" can go check it out on the "POLL" thread.

    As far as the statement that LSU will take a hit in the pocketbook, I have a feeling that the governement will make sure that the university gets compensated.
    Mainly because with all the bad press they are getting right now, that would be a HUGE Push in their favor.

    So we lose one season doesnt mean we cant practice and in that case, a National Championship next year will be a dead lock.
  5. medtiger

    medtiger Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    how could a national championship be a lock when LSU will lose all of it's seniors? No way they get another year of eligibility, plus these players have lives and want to finish college in a timely manner.
  6. tiger777

    tiger777 Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2001
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    all of ya'll that say that LSU is or should cancel the season are completely idoitic. Just plain stupid. LSU should and will play this weekend. Skip has already said that they will. Just get over it, we will play.

    To say the season should be cancelled is stupid because these players deserve to be able to finish college. If Tulane is gonna play do you think that LSU won't? pretty dumb to think otherwise.
  7. clair

    clair Rockets

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Someone needed to clear that up
  8. tiger777

    tiger777 Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2001
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    CGI i've been agreeing with pretty much everything you have been saying the last few days i just didn't feel like fighting with everybody, but now people are getting rediculous.
  9. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    The seniors on thisteam could not agree with you more.
  10. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Just for the record. Some of us are not saying it shouldn't be played at all. Personally, I am saying it should be done at the appropriate time, or, if needed, on the road.


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