On the Packman show, Monday, ESPN radio broadcast out of Char, NC, they had 5 guys on for Defensive player of the year, and of course one of the players was LB Patrick Willis from Ole Miss ... Pack asked the guys "to please share with all of us something about your coaches behind the screnes something we all don't know", Patrick you go first tell us about that "wack job" of coach you have at Ole Miss. (Pack really did say that)... Patrick was like well,uh, you know, coach O is really a fired up kind of coach, at Death Valley (TS) we were winning, and at halftime in the locker room he started a song you may know..."the roof the roof, the roof is "...he stopped himself and I quote, "I will leave it at that"...he was totally serious...I could not stop laughing for 10 minutes!!!!!!!!!! I am not making this up....
Reminds me of back in college and that girl from Cameron who gave me gonorrhea (not sure how to spell it but I can tell you how to get rid of it).....her famous words, "I hope you know I don't do this with just anybody!" :hihi: