Im stirring the pot by calling people darkies? i dont think so. I dont insult people by race, thats what I was referring to.
So its OK to discriminate against white people just because black people were discriminated against in the past? A lot of white people from immigrant ethinc groups in the past were discriminated against too. What about affirmative action for Italian Americans? For Polilsh Americans and Irish Americans? For Cajuns? For Jews? All of these people were discrimimated against in the past. I find it sad that even in 2009 that for even intelligent, well educated black people the final questions comes down to race. Do want your doctor be be somebody who got into medical school over a more qualified applicant the more qualified person had the wrong skin color?
even now people tell cajun jokes and we all laugh. i bet a silent tear runs down boudreaux's face. "dis be beaucoup hurtin ma feelings cher"
:hihi::hihi: My point, if I wasn't clear enough, was that if it was a contrived leak to see if a reporter would respect the spirit of "off the record", the experiment failed, because he got blind-sided by someone who wasn't supposed to be part of the experiment anyway....or was she????? Oh my God, what a freakin' nightmare! :lol:
I laughed at a black joke told to me by a black waiter yesterday. It is a well know fact in the service industry that black people are notoriously poor tippers. The joke was "Why do they paint canoes black? Answer: So they won't tip" Waiters refer to black customers as "Canadians" They will tell the hostess "Please don't seat those Canadians at my table"