As the next guy, but geez fellas you are getting rough on their fans that malinger about here. We are all fans of the same sport and I love to hate Auburn, too. Especially Tubesteakerville and co. Cigars, urine comments...alright fine, call those turds whatever you want and throw a comment in there for me. Damn Bauburnites rrrrgg. I highly recommend to Auburn fans put up an alter ego ID when commenting on sensative issues like Trev Alberts(what the hell am I writing, we do sound like retards!) I'll shut up now and finish by brewha.
As Florida....... Auburn doesn't bother me as much as Florida, at least with Auburn the series hasn't been as bad as Florida in recent years. I don't really hate Florida all that much, but I'm tired of losing to them, and being humiliated after some of the loses to Dark Visor. I root for all SEC teams when the bowl season is here. Had to do something in the bad years.
agreed. Let the regular posters post here without hassling every comment they make. This board would suck if it was 100% LSU fans.
A lot of the reason I like this board is because it has fans of other teams that come here who are pretty level headed. It would be a shame if they stopped coming and if they don't act stupid they should be treated like anyone else.
Good comments guys. It's fun to engage in some good-natured ribbing and smack but it's been a little rude around here lately. The potty-mouthed rivals don't last long because I take care of that. I would hope that we treat visitors according to what they have to say more than what team they are a fan of. If they are respectful and add a different perspective to the discussion I don't see the point in being rude. This forum is for LSU Tiger fans to interact and discuss the many issues that face LSU and a part of that is allowing mature fans of other teams to take part in the forum. If good fans from other teams are constantly ridiculed and bashed for nothing more than being a fan of another school then they will eventually stop posting. Then we can all start discussions and the rest of us can just reply with "Me too."
Good point Brett. I can dish out the smack as much as anybody but we have a whole year to dish it out to the Aubies. The assholes among the Auburn smack talkers are gone until next year but I have been disapointed to see long time Tigerforums members whose opinions I usually respect go overboard by insulting the long time Auburn fan members about their posts concerning topics other than the LSU-Auburn rivalry. We had to put up with their crap for a year and now they have to put up with ours for a year but thats no reason we can't excercise a degree of civility when discussing other issues than our heated rivalry.
Most Auburn fans here are pretty decent. Maybe a win 2 weeks ago would have brought the braggart out in them, but they have been quite nicely cowed since then. : )
I have been a little harsh lately but I only get my dander up when a rival poster interjects an anti LSU comment into a discussion here. Their insight is most welcome but I just think they should keep their anti LSU opinions to themselves or take them to their own boards.