These two just said if LSU wins the Sugar Bowl, then a split N.C. is legitamate, however if OU wins the Sugar Bowl, then USC should be the undisputed champions.
Trev just summed it up correctly... Why does everyone want to change the rules here at the end of the season? There is no rule that you have to be the Conference Champion. If OU, as the #1 team in the nation, beats LSU, as the #2 team in the nation, then OU is the National Champion, period. USC can take the paper AP title if they get it, I will more than happily accept the Crystal Ball! Boomer Sooner!!
yup, I just heard that also....I just started a thread on it. It's going to be interesting to hear his views in a little bit.
Interesting.... I mean, I know the BCS is what it is and everyone, USC included, should have accepted it in light of trying to create a media frenzy. However, whether Oklahoma loses this game or not...whether they deserve to be in it or not....whether they're the best team in the nation or not...The telling tale is that they're not even Champions of their own conference. There are many stipulations and criteria reguarding the BCS spots--and one of those SHOULD be "Must be conference champion in order to play for the national title". Does Oklahoma deserve to be a BCS team? Absolutely! They have quite the team, but they were absolutely distroyed in the Big XII title game bya a team that they should have handled. OU should have played in the Rose Bowl vs Michigan. Sorry Sooner fans. But the fact remains that in years past, the battle cry for everyone has been, "If you lose, lose early"....OU lost late--real late!
If LSU loses to OU, will it really matter if OU won their conference? They will have beaten the "best team in the best conference" if you go by what many here believe. Losing late doesn't matter anymore and that is good if you truly want a #1 versus #2. Take care and good luck! Boomer Sooner!!
I think losing late or loosing early shows no difference, however, losing your Conference Championship, that's different. If LSU would've lost to Georgia, even I would not feel like they deserved to be in the N.C. Game.
So it's decided then. OU wins 12 games, loses one and isn't worthy to play LSU. I guess the team should just board the plane and come back to Norman tonight.
Sooners, thats right whether you like it or not, You can blame it on whoever you like, USC is ranked #1 not OU, blame it on the coaches poll, AP poll. Or you lost your championship game, there's plenty of coaches and ex coaches that think you don't belong their and that is why you are #3 in polls other than the bcs Having said that please read the rest of my post and you will see I'm fair and balanced. BTW, If LSU was in your place I would've been happy playing in the Rose Bowl with Michigan, thiers threads here with the proof of that. The BCS will soon be gone because the human idiot pollsters don't like it because it doesn't agree with thier prejudices. The conference commisioners no longer want it because USC isn't playing in the NCG. I don't care if it would've been OU or LSU that lost thier championship game for the point I'm trying to make. The commisioners don't want the BCS because we have a loser of a conference championship game playing for the national title. I agree that the loser of a conference championship game should not play for the National Championship. having said that....... USC doesn't have a Conference Championship...... Like I've said all year, this thing is F*cked up and Everyone is in a NO WIN situation. Like I've always said ............................. All confernences should or shouldn't have a conference championship game. If your going to have the conference champ games, the winners play one another until you have a winner for the NC. The seedings can be determined by conference standings..... SEC vs Pac 10 or whatever you want to use. Regardless of what anyone says: COLLEGE FOOTBALL IS THE LAUGHING STOCK OF ALL SPORTS Every other sport has a playoff. Lets get rid of 2 or 3 non conference games we don't need. instead have a playoff Let's quite ranking teams before the season.......... That is part of whats wrong with college football. where Auburn was ranked compared to LSU for example Start ranking them mid season. We could even start the season 2 weeks earlier before everyone is in class and get rid of a couple of non conference games. The season would then end around the same time or maybe a little later.
If you don't like my opinion in my own forum, then perhaps you should do just that. Look, I'm not taking anything away from Oklahoma. You've got a great team--definately worthy of a championship game invite...but the fact remains that you made the title game by doing the one thing that has ALWAYS kept teams out of competing for the National Title--you LOST YOUR LAST GAME OF THE SEASON. We did it to Tenneessee in the 2000 SEC title game--beat the Vols and knocked them out of the BCS title game. A few years ago, UCLA had their title hopes dashed when a late-season rescheduling of Miami gave them a loss late in the year. Bottom line is that because everyone in the media proclaimed the Sooners to be the best team in college football all season long--TONS of people now feel slighted and angry because Oklahoma got a second chance where so many other teams did not. Not stating that ya'll don't belong on the same field as LSU--that would be stupid and quite frankly, I guess it's fitting that you're the one that said it. I just feel that "what's good for the goose, should be good for the gander". If a late-season loss keeps team A out of the National title game, then it should do the same for Oklahoma. Do you honestly think that USC or LSU would have even been as close to the Title game invite as they were if either the Trojans or the Tigers had lost to Oregon and Georgia respectively??? Heck no. But I've been saying it all along: This Sugar Bowl matchup might not be the best in terms of a concensus bowl pairing (that much is obvious with all this "USC should be National Champs" BS), but the bottom line is that it's STILL the way everyone agreed to determine the participants.