Forget the fact that we're playing out of conference this week. Just look at the matchups! #1 OU vs #15 Oklahoma St (Cowboys have a 2-game winning streak vs the Sooners) #2 Miami vs #11 Va Tech (I think this is Miami's week to fall--especially since the Hookies got embarrassed last week) #3 USC vs #6 Washington St. (no matter who wins in this game, a victory over La Tech means we're moving up) #4 UGA vs #21 Florida (can't believe I'm saying this, but, "Go Gators!") #5 FSU vs ND (Notre Dame still has enough talent to beat the 'Noles--although it WON'T be easy for them) #7 Ohio St. vs Penn State (I've said all year that OSU doesn't impress me much. They don't have the offense to win and rely too much on their "D"--too many close games. But, PSU doesn't exactly have a dominating team). Realistically though, I feel Miami will lose to Va Tech. That could give us 2, top-6 teams to lose this week. I don't think Oklahoma St. can beat OU 3-in-a-row, though. And given the way UGA played against UAB last week, they've shown that they're not exactly the well-oiled machine many analysts said they were. The Gators have more than a good chance of knocking them off. I think USC will beat WSU and, with a Va. Tech win over Miami, USC will move to #2. :geaux: BEAT LA TECH!!!!
And your mother and father must have done a lot of it. Want to talk about "looking worse"??? How does losing to Boise St., Fresno St. and Hawaii' and BARELY beating one of the WORST teams in I-A, UTEP, look? Do me a favor, Junior, and give daddy back his computer.
Sounds to me like he's tettering on the edge of the fence....He tells women, "NO MORE SEX". Bet he doesn't turn men down.
Ignore this idiot. He is some highschool kid trying to get a rise out of us. He knows jack about Football, all he does is surf the internet and find stats(that mean jack on the field) then paste them on here and says that ULR will beat us because they have a decent QB. NEWSFLASH: There are 11 men on the field. Your QB got some pub, just like Rattay but I certainly do not see him starting in the NFL. You have a gimmick offense and a gimmick team. Just because you live in a town where the WALMART is the hangout doesn't mean you have to talk trash about a team that is inferior in their conference and state.
Thats right Roy Williams passed and caught the ball all by himself then he ran through all those defenders without blocks. I was at the Cotton Bowl and yes Williams did have a hell of a day. Look man you just need to give it up. Your team sucks, we know, you are not even the second best team in the state. It was stated before, it is called penis envy. Damn I liked Barners better at least they had something to fall back on. ULR beat a team that was without its starting QB and got all of the bounces. It is funny to see how the internet brings out these morons who just want to start crap. These are also the same people that when it was time to go face to face, put their tail between your legs and ran. LSU 45 ULR 13
And it's not like we haven't beaten teams with "decent" QB's. Last time I checked, David Greene was MORE than just "decent".
OU is -16.5. Very tempting Won't even be close. Va Tech will get blown out. I hope you're right, but, the national media had adopted USC as their orgasm du jour. In a close loss I can see them dropping to #6 or #7. And there WILL be a victory over Tech. I mean, c'mon, the #117 ranked defense? Give me a break. Agree 100%. Notre Dame doesn't have enough talent to beat UL Ruston. Over by halftime. Upset Special. Jo Pa trying to stay within reach of Bowden.
Hey.....I used to live in a town where Wal-Mart was the hangout....what's so wrong with that....Wal-Mart was cool back in the day.......