Huey Long's "special session" with God/Apostles..............

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by ambrose, Jan 4, 2004.

  1. ambrose

    ambrose Freshman

    Nov 23, 2003
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    LSU has a multitude of loyal "Guardian Angel" athletes, supporters, coaches, fans, etc that have left the field; graduated to a higher conference. They have been busy and divinely attending, arranging, exerting powerfull "assistance" for the Tigers all season, but have especially prepared miracles for 12/4/03!!

    If YOU ARE an LSU TIGER FAN............. you UNDERSTAND the Power & Influence this Army of Angel's HAS and WILLS. To LSU families, no further proof, clarification or explanation is necessary. If you are not, no exlanation will do!

    A "Special Legislative Session" was called/gathered by HUEY LONG, x-governor and probably LSU's greates fan/benefactor. No other leader from earth in the anals of time/history was better at "arranging" and "getting" things he wanted for Louisiana and especially LSU.......HIS PRIDE AND JOY.


    You can be sure, I guaaarraaanteeee cher, that he has been at work gathering "votes" for the Tigers. Many devout and deserving "Angels" who loved LSU and Lousiana, that especial, unique land and culture found only here.................Will be performing their miracles/wishes for their deserving Tiger team and loved ones!!!!!!

    To those that understand/believe, no explanation is necessary. To the Sooners and others, no explanation will do!

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