How would you guys characterize the rivalry btwn. LSU and aTm? Heated? Fierce?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TerryP, Dec 17, 2002.

  1. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Because of the proximity of the two schools in relation to each other I would imagine there are recruiting battles every year. I couldn't tell you the last time the two schools met head to head or what the rivalry's history is.

    With all the events as of late...including Fran's departure and the infamous "midfield meeting" this has me wondering. I'm enlighten me!
  2. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    To be very honest, the average LSU really does not have a feeling one way or the other about A&M. I consider myself a very big LSU fan and I really look at A&M as I would a Virginia Tech. However I am sure if a series was to start up again. And having seen some classless posts insulting our families and heritage of Louisiana. I have learned that the A&M fan can be some of the least classy people in college football. I am sure it would intensify. However having been to an A&M board and have seen a post on there, that basically insulted our hertiage, our fighting men and women and all the great people of Louisiana, I really hope we never play A&M.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We no longer play A&M regularly. It was quite a rivalry in the 70's, but not much anymore. It's hard to get fired up about someone you rarely play.

    Mostly, they are our principal recruiting opponent in the important east Texas/west Louisiana area. Many head-to-head recruiting battles and much mudslinging. The gloves are off between Saban and Noshakeione, now. Recruiting may get interesting.
  4. Series Info

    Teams first played in the late 1800's and last played football in 1995. LSU has a 26-20-5 lead in the series.

    Allegedly, there is/was some bad blood because of the way that LSU backed out of the contract - something about several 100 thousand dollars that LSU owed A&M. Their AD was reportedly against playing LSU again in FB due to that. Don't know if it was ever true. Seems if the money was that big of a deal and LSU broke the contract, A&M could have sued for the dollars.....

    Now that both scholls have a new coach and AD, there might be the possibility of renewing the series.

    Having gone to a couple of the games there, it was a fun and easy trip from BR. With the large LSU contingent in east TX and the recruiting battles that are on the rise, it would seem like a good series.

    I think the problem with making it an every year game is that neither school wants to juggle their conference schedules with the "required" tune-ups and give up a home game every other year. Playing at a neutral site would cause them to give up gate every year. With rotating OOC opponents, a team can balance conference and OOC home games to guarantee 7 home games each season.

    I don't think the rivalry was ever heated other than being the first game of the season each year. All the offseason's anticipation was brought out for that game for both teams....
  5. LSUMJ

    LSUMJ Founding Member

    Nov 5, 2002
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    i hate them with an undying passion i only reserve for ole piss, bama and the toolame
    with their P.O.S. stadium with 2 exits, the gay cult of cadets, the stupid lame cheers that they have to practice (its farmers fight or gig em, how long does it take to learn?)
    the lame 12th man
    the not walking on the grass, take your hat off in the union, look at us we are cadets with no military ties atmosphere sickens me to the core
  6. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    LSU doesn't have much of anyone as an out of conference rival. Until LaTech or Tulane can become consistant I don't see a true instate rivalry really happening. I wouldn't mind it if we started playing Florida State again, anyone remember the "Night it rained Oranges?"
  7. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    O.K... There LSUMJ..

    Tell us how you really feel....
  8. I lost my respect for ATM while in school at LSU. I worked at the vet school and met about 6 ATM grad students and 3 professors. Every single one of them was an ass and CONSTANTLY complained about LSU and being here. I finally told them I can help them out with directions to the nearest door. Nobody was forcing them to stay, thats for sure.
  9. LSUfan

    LSUfan Founding Member

    Oct 13, 2002
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    I went to the 95 game in college station; and there is some bad blood between the schools. Other things have been mentioned, but one of the things that upsets the two schools is the recruiting of J Crow. Crow was a Louisiana prospect, who I believe signed with LSU, but ended up going to Texas A&M (through some dirty recruiting, back then though it was all dirty recruiting).

    The rivalary was different when the teams played each other more often, but the two schools still go at it during recruiting.
  10. Aggie Fran

    Aggie Fran Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    What happened about the contract was LSU backed out of it 2 years early. I believe A&M had won the last 3-4 in a row and LSU wanted out so they wouldn't risk starting the season with a loss anymore. The buyout on the contracts was something in the $300,000 dollar range. Neither school wanted to go to court over it and they ended up settling for $100,000.

    Our old A&M AD made the comment that we probably wouldn't renew the series because of the way LSU refused to finish our contract. Anyway, I don't think this has left any bad taste for most LSU/A&M fans.

    With new AD's and coaches at both schools, I could see the possibly discussing renewing it. However, I am not quite sure either team would necesarily want to add another tough game to their schedule when playing in the Big XII and SEC. Also, A&M has committments to play FSU, Miami, VT, Clemson, and a few other good programs in the next few years and it would be an extremely tough schedule if LSU was added. I am sure LSU is in the same postion.

    There seem to be some old Ags that don't like LSU for some reason, but it really hasn't filtered down. I think most Aggies would like the chance to go every other year to BR to eat some gumbo and do a little gambling.

    The only other "bad" thing that I hear mentioned about LSU around A&M is that a lot of people tend to think that most of the crowd is drunk at games (nothing wrong with that in my book -- I was piss ass drunk for the 1st half of ourOU game). You guys are lucky you get to drink at college football events.

    Anyway, most Aggies think that LSU fans are diehards that are always behind their team.

    Of course, there are always your crazy fans at any school that will hate another school based on 6 people they knew from the other school -- kinda like LSUMJ.

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