Words alone will never stop the Associated Press from picking their own favorites to be #1 in their poll, and then trumpeting that pick as the "National Champion." Words alone will never stop an Auburn program from creating their own National Championship title and awarding it to themselves. However, it is enough for LSU fans alone to know who was the real National Champion in 2003, because we alone possess the crystal prize.
That is a great article, i will dfientely show it to all my friends who doubted LSU, and just assumed USC won it all too in 03, since thats what the media told them
I didn't read the whole thing, two problems caught my eye. The AP poll was never required to vote the BCS champ as #1. The NCAA does not recognize a champion in Div IA football. There was a split title in 2003, let's move on.
BCS = Bowl Championship Series.... So you are saying that the NCAA does not recognize a national champion? Then it must condone the BCS bowls. You must be a USC fan.
This is the first time I have heard a Tiger 'fan' claim that one poll among a dozen nullified LSU's victory in the the championship game. Hopefully, your real goal was to point out that we should all just move on to other topics three years later. And the rest of the sentence was just a horrible 'slip'.
I think that the article is great and very persuasive, and I thank you for posting it. I also believe that we should FIGHT the notion that there was a split NC in 2003, rather than give up to the Mainstream Media.