how much ill will is the Saban stuff causing?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by java, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. java

    java Freshman

    Dec 26, 2003
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    How many people think Saban is using the NFL to leverage LSU for more money, control, facilities, etc? Will this build ill will toward him within the ranks of the university and fan base?

    What if 5 days after the NVG and LSU's historic accomplishment he bolts to the Bears? What does this say to us? How many will wish him good luck and say thanks for the National Championship?

    What if this drags on for a couple of weeks and he decides to stay? What are the feeligns then?

    All I know is that in the private industry an employer would not appreciate being leveraged for more money and power after a fine accomplishment. There is a fine line between saying "good job, here's more money and we appreciate you" and "I knew I could do it all along so let me look to see if I can do better elsewhere .. and by the way your offer isn't good enough" Saban better be careful, choose his words wisely and finish this thing one way or another quickly!
  2. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I dont think Saban is using the NFL thing for a better offer. He is already going to be the highest paid coach in college if he stays here. What more can he really be bargaining for? Lets face it, and I think most of the close observers know this, Saban is a bit egotistical and what successful head coach isnt? I think Saban is just exploring his options (or maybe a better description is his "agent" is exploring them) and will make a decision thats best for him and his long term goals. Saban hasnt said this recently but we all know his quotes from years gone by, he likes the NFL and wants to coach there some day. Is that day now? Who knows but it could be.
  3. StarscreamLSU

    StarscreamLSU Founding Member

    Aug 26, 2002
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    I've heard that if there's any bargaining going on, it's probably for things for his assistants.
  4. sos

    sos Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    He's not going this year, but if my information is wrong and he does, we wish him the best.
  5. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    Give me a break! If you are the best employee at your company, you can leverage your employer anytime you want. Now, if you suck as an employee, then you better not play that game!

    If Saban decided to leave today, I'd tell him thank you for everything he did for LSU and thanks for the NC!
  6. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    I don't think there is any ill will, Skip talks about it all the time. He knows that Saban will get offers every year. He may even had gotten offers most years to go to a deep pocketed collge for all we know, baseball didn't get the coverage so he could have gone in and out of towns without anyone noticing. And I would guess that 99% of all fans are just so supportive of the man that brought us our first NC since 58 that he could leave and we will all say Good luck Nick or hold out and get 3 to 4 million and we'd all say he desrved it. This is a free market system and you get what you can. And if you listen to what he said last night then most of what you read in the papers is still not true. Also, he is trying to get more for his assistants, I would bet my life on it.
  7. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Hey business is Business. He knows he holds all the cards. I am not questioning his love for LSU...

    Most of this have done this with our company.

    Also I would NOT be upset if he did listen to what Chicago had to say... He would be stupid not to. Plus its professional courtesy....

    If Saban stays, I will personally understand why all this took place. Be happy he chose less money to stay in Baton Rouge (Which says a lot) and look forward to the next year as Defending National Champion.

    If He leaves, I will be bummed but in the end I can understand why. I love my company, but if I had a job offer that paid me twice as much, and secured my financial future I would listen as well...
  8. Gulf Coast Tige

    Gulf Coast Tige Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Would you rather have 4 years of Nick or 10 years of Tommy Tubberville?
  9. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I don't think he is leveraging for money. I believe there are probably aspects of the contract he has been offered that he probably would like changed, maybe like the buy-out clause for when he does decide to leave.

    As for his willingness to meet with the Bears, he could just be trying to make the GM look better to his boss. Face it, if Saban interviews and turns it down supposedly for the money, the blame fall squarely on the owner for not putting up the $. If Saban says outright he is not interested, his good friend Angelo looks like a total jerk because they missed out on their second choice, Mora Jr., chasing Saban, who had no intention of going. I personally feel Saban is trying to help Angelo save face and is just going through the interview process for that reason. Now should they buck up and offer Joe Gibbs type money, that could be a different story.
  10. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Anybody, including Saban, would be a fool not to explore all options. His agent is doing his job.

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