Whose tirk? This clown has left me 2 red stars for the same post in this thread. How does the reputation... 10-19-2006 06:18 AM Tirk's rules How does the reputation... 10-18-2006 02:50 PM good post ----tirk lack of sex causes idiots to give red stars to people me thinks..
i like it. it means people can leave negative rep for posts they dont happen to like, without getting red back in return. it means posts are judged on whether people want to red dot them or not, not revenge. i dont see that as a negative. it was a revenge/popularity contest before. now it cant be revenge because nobody knows who to revenge. does that happen for real or is that a theory of yours? the end goal is for better posters to have better rep so i can read an opinion and see if it comes from a respected source or not. the goal isnt to be able to see exactly who contributed to your rep being what it is. the question is, has the new system increased or decreased the correlation between highly rated posters and posters who are actually good? i dont know. also, remember, the people that are going around dropping red everywhere, their red doesnt hurt your rep much unless they are respected themselves.
the system works great. i got (well deserved) red for that last post because people do not like it. and if people do not like my posts, my reputation should reflect that. and since i do not know who did it, i cannot screw with their rep for revenge. perfect!
I think the comments made should at least make sense. I made a comment about how Lavalias should go work at a prison in the offseason to get some of that old toughness back and the comment was "DO you work at a prison?":rofl: :rofl: What the hell does that mean?
you seem unduly annoyed by it. if people do not like your opinions, so what? you would rather not know at all? i dunno why anonymous criticism is so bothersome. if people dont like what is said, good, leave a negative comment, i dont see the problem. i know you may want to find out why they do not approve, and discuss it with them, but they do not want to discuss it, if they did, they would just post their opinion. the old system was such that you could be the most thoughtful person in the universe, and you red dotted other poepl who were not thoughtful at all, you would get a barrage of red back, and your rating would not refect the quality of your opinions, but instead the fact that you had honest negative appraisals of others, because of the revenge factor. as it stands, negative rep is weighted such that if no-rep jerks red-dot you, it doesnt hurt your rank, so it is of no consequence. and that is assuming you care about the ranking in the first place, which would be silly.
Brett should reset the points and allow all of you to have points that more accurately represent the posts each of you have made. Rather than the points now which are mostly reflex (green for green) and retaliation (red for red) points.