and your best pitcher never take the mound? :dis: Hopefully Smoke has learned his lesson from this debacle and will start Greg Smith in the Regional. 0-4 in the last two SEC tourneys...:cry: :tigbas:
And when it comes down to it, the Regionals are more important than the SECTourney. Yes, these two losses probably blew a super, but they have got to have their best pitcher for the Regionals to stay alive.
We score 3 runs in two games and everyone here is questioning the pitching decisions? Man, we would have needed Randy Johnson and Roger Clemens pitching for us the last two days with our lack of offense.
Exactly. We do not have the arms to win at the highest levels of competition by only scratching across three runs in two games. I'm not saying we have to bring back Gorilla Ball, but somebody in the line-up has to step up and light a fire. The pitching staff cannot do it all by themselves.