How a USC fans should enjoy their day!!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by cajdav1, Jan 4, 2004.

  1. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    Congrats on winning the Rose Bowl and probably a share of the NC. Here's your schedule for today: start drinking at about 10 in the morning your time as that will be noon in N.O., put that TurDucken on the smoker, get your water seasoned at a low simmer with the onions, cayenne, celery, black pepper, salt and crab boil, etc. in it and put the pot on your crawfish boiler. Let it simmer for a couple of hours so that the flavor permeates the water; then boil your blue crabs with corn, carrots, potatoes and andoille sausage. Let em boil for about 15 minutes and then turn off the fire and let em soak for about 20 more. In the mean time make sure your wife is in the kitchen making some good chicken gumbo for those guests that may not eat too many crabs or have a hard time fathoming eating turkey, chicken and duck all on the same plate with a crawfish stuffing. Make sure she browns that roux just to a nice golden color before adding it to the stock. Serve the turkey gumbo over a spoonful of potato salad. Oh yeah, make sure you cover the tables with old copies of the racing form from Santa Anita before you dump the boiled crabs on the table. You'll need to have several claw crackers and butter knives on the table alond with several rolls of 4 ply paper towels and 3 or 4 bottles of Bulliards garlic hot sauce. All of this should be consumed just prior to the start of the game and by then you should have finished off at least a dozen beers yourself and may have to break into your private stash you hid in the basement or garage. If it's cold outside due to freaky weather in S. Cal just get yourself a bottle of hot scnapps and take a swig every few minutes, it warms you thru and thru. Then sit back and watch the BCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. You'll feel just like one of us by then and swear your team is playing. OH, and don't forget to wear purple and gold today.
  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    To quote John MacEnroe - YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! All 20 million of the losing candidates for Governator of Caleefornya will be choking on their serial killer breakfast of fruits, nuts and flakes before they swallow a single Mudbug. The heads they suck won't be crawfish.
  3. Atltiger

    Atltiger Founding Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    "OH, and don't forget to wear purple and gold today"

    Think they will be wearing Crimson and Cream tody. Because the way I here it they will be pullin for OU. That is the only way they are gauranteed the AP number one. Because the only the Tigers have a chance at passin them up.

    Hmmmmm deja vu Hawaii, Notre Dame - LSU passes USC :D
  4. TravisCoTiger

    TravisCoTiger Founding Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Maybe they'll donate o.j. to the Tigers so he can give a rousing pre-game speech to the team!
  5. Claw

    Claw Founding Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    fuck those motherfuckers. USC......They deserve a national championship like I deserve one. To BE the CHAMPIONS, you must PLAY IN the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME, right? I never heard of a team in the NFL or NBA or MLB ever claiming a championship without playing for a CHAMPIONSHIP GAME or series....

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