What the F.... Oklahoma City, OK is incredibly close. I mean, it's basically walking distance from Baton Rouge, right? No? Then why are they temporarily moving a team that gets money from the STATE of Louisiana to another state for most of the season? Then they just throw scraps to the home state. Awesome. Oh, right, but no one outside of New Orleans will admit to being a Hornets fan. http://www.nba.com/hornets/multimedia/ok_city_050921.html
I'm in OKC, and I think this blows. But the answer is $$$. I think OKC is paying lots of "incentives" and throwing $$$ at the hornets. I can't remember what all I read, and the City wasn't releasing details before the City Council meeting this morning when they would vote on the contract. Either the mayor (who in my opinion is a slimey, money grubbing, bastard) or one of the council members made the statement that we (the citizens of OKC) didn't need to know all the little details, that is why we pay them (the council). That chapped my ass! I haven't had time to read today's paper, but I will check it out and see if there is any info. It really pisses me off because the mayor wants the Hornets really bad, but a couple of weeks ago when it came to opening shelters for the displaced from Nola, the mayor declined, then added that we had some campgrounds in Oklahoma they could use. Riiiiigggghhhhtttt. He didn't give a flying f*** about the citizens of Nola, but he sure as hell would take the basketball team!
I like how the give us a measley six games at home. We wrote the Hornets a fat check in June or July and now OKC gets the benefits. Nothing against OKC but I think the Hornets, the NBA, or OK should reimburse the state of LA the damn check then. This is ridiculous. Our state leaders drop the ball once again. They could have used PR machine to keep them here for the season. Where is the Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu? He is in charge of Commerce and Tourism. Our state has lost its biggest industry of Tourism and he can't even keep the NO Hornets in the state.