The Hog O-line is the best we'll see this regular season. Matt Jones is a real triple threat, if he's having a good game. How do you guys see the match-up between our Defensive Line and the Hogs O-Line? :geaux: :lsug:
We're giving up 58 (ish) yards per game, I think they will get their yards on the ground if we cant stop the pass. If they cant pass though, i expect to give them 70 yards on the ground. You're right though, thats a big time o-line.
The LSU defensive line is stronger, faster, more athletic, better coached and plenty big enough to manhandle the Arkansas O-line just like all of the rest. Maybe there is an offensive line out there that can just blow our defensive linemen out of the way, but I haven't seen it done yet. Until I see it, I'll say it can't be done.
Huh? Arkansas has 1 All-American OL in Shawn Andrews, 2 of their Starters on the OL Jerry Reith & Dan Doughty are Former Walkons. Hardly the "Best" we have seen.
It's simple. We stopped the running game of Allbarn, Bama, Ga., Ole Piss, etc. Why would Arky be any different. Mr Andrews, Meet Mr's Hill ,Lavalis, Spears, Williams, etc.
Re: Re: Hogs Offensive Line. I sure hope you are right, Perple. We've got to win this game. I've been living here in Arky with the military for over two years now. It will be tough for me to lose two years in a row. I have my PRIDE, ya know. :geaux: :lsug:
I think that Arkansas' offense doesn't present the kinf of speed necessary to really challenge the LSU defense. The Tigers need to contain Jones as he is more of a big play threat than Cobbs.
Quoted by alaman, Allbarn, Bama, Ga., Ole Piss, etc. Why would Arky be any different. Mr Andrews, Meet Mr's Hill ,Lavalis, Spears, Williams, etc. I find it hard to believe Arkansas would be any better than Ole Missy or Auburn, or any other decent SEC team. Arkansas peaked early and has been declinning ever since. Arkansas won't be able to do anything else that anybody else has tried. In other words: Arkansas doesn't scare me, matter of fact they annoy me if anything, kinda like a nat. They will be a nat against our team Friday nothing more, i think we have good enough players to swat them the Hell out of them.