Just wanted to tell yall "good luck" in the upcoming game. My family will be coming down to "root" on the HOGS and just wanted to know of a good joint to eat for Thanksgiving dinner. Fresh seafood is a must on the menu. Once again, good luck. GO HOGS GO!
Here in Baton Rouge, I don't think you can go wrong with Ralph & Kacoo's. And they are open Thanksgiving Day. Mike Anderson's would be another good choice, but I don't know if they're open. Chef John Folse's White Oak Plantation always has a good Thanksgiving spread, but you'd better make your reservations now.
Thanks for the reply. Now help me out with one more thing. I'm bringing my 6yr old son and my 4yr old daughter. Is there any thing fun for them to do down there. Please don't tell me yall got a Chucky Cheese. I'd rather be a Tiger fan than go to Chucky's. LOL just joking. Thanks again for the info. GHG!!
Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Kidding. The USS Kidd and museum downtown is great. I believe the LASC Planetarium will be open Saturday. It is all conveiniently located next to the Kidd. Also the Old State Capital and the New (although it was built in 1935) State Capital are good places also.