I originally was writing this in response to the RP discussions. But I decided it did not have as much to do with RP as it does with the QB position in general. The modern day college football game plan does not require an 18-24 year old quarterback to carry the team on his shoulders. Rather the modern day college quarterback should be very intelligent, athletic and capable of being a field general without hurting the TEAM. Often these kids come in and think the college game is a lot like the high school game where their high school coach said "son, go out and win the game for us". Saban, Stoops, etc... deploy skilled, intelligent QBs that are capable of directing the skilled players based on a well thoughtout game plan. Yes, the QB has to be able to scramble and make a throw when it counts, but most of the time; if he can execute what the OC has planned... a Win occurs. Don't get me wrong it would be great to have a 6' 6" 245lbs QB that runs a 4.4 and has a 4.0GPA but, I would be just as happy with a 6' 2" 225 lbs, 4.6 40 and a national championship. For argument sakes... what "highly touted" QB emerging from HS in the last few years has really lived up to the billing in college? Leak started this past year so maybe him, but who else?
Leinart, Williams, Leak, Applewhite would have if not for Brown, Mock might have if not for Brown, Whitehurst at Clemson so far. Not many others when you consider all of the hype these guys get. I agree with you that a QB doesn't have to be all world to win a championship, either conference or national. As many have posted on this site in the last few days amny of the best teams in the coutry have had QB's that were better at managing the game. The one thing they do need to have as far as talent goes is the ability to move a little in the pocket, sliding as I refer to it, and the arm strength to make the throws there offense calls for. I thni kthe best example of what a QB does though is the Ohio St guy in 2002. He amazingly did win a few games for them over the last couple of years with his arm even though he didn't have all that much talent when compared to the super studs out there. dorsey would eb another, everyone knocked him so much for winning the heisman but IMO he was the perfect college QB and a perfect fit for the Hurricane program.
Dorsey is a great example. THere is so much "hype" built around the recruiting battles for QBs (and RBs as well) and i dont think they influence a programs success as much as solid OL/DL WR/Secondary and Linebackers. The diffrence between a top 5 QB or RB and 6-15 ranked QB or RB is not much. But the talent diffrence between a top 5 at other positions and the next 15 is great. Who is going to have more of a long term impact for their team Robert Lane for Ole Miss or Ben Wilkerson for LSU? Booty at USC or Marcus Spears?
Winning football games is all about TURNOVERS. Look at the Saints. Despite all of the fantastic stats Aaron Brooks has put up, he is not a winner at QB, because he fumbles the ball. The coaches who have figured out how to win the turnover battle are the ones who win championships. Look at the champions int he NFL the last few years... Strong D's, Ball control Offenses, Low Turnover Ratio's. If you you have a strong D and Running game, you dont have to ask a QB to win it all for you. Most of the teams that do well with alot of passing arent vertical teams. They are ball control, west coast, 5 yard pass to the HB or TE teams. If the QB could do it all, the Texas Tech would be NC.
Beaux-Bo, yes,yes and yes. I enjoy this board so much more when there is intelligent posting going on. College coaches make or break players. Either they mold and define their natural skills or they try and use them where they are not able to. Championships are not won by one position player. LSU won the Championship because of the great chemistry the coaches formed between the whole team. This years team has some of the best players in the nation along with the best coaches. Next year will take care of itself. I look forward to cheering on EVERY player regardless of position or depth they play THIS year. Lets just circle the wagons because we have a NATIONAL TITLE to defend. :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: