The ultimate neo-muckracker gains a huge, highly visible ally in his idealogical, hatred filled, venemous, neo-yellow journalism-fueled diatribe against anyone that doesn't have a (D) in front of their name... Who is this new supporter? Why, none other than the friendly folks of Hezbollah... Extra, Extra...Read all about it...
Well if that doesn't boldly state what is the obvious. Michael Moore is anti-American and needs to be dealt with accordingly. Freedom of speech, yes. Putting Americans in harm's way, treasonous.
I'm thinking that there are some rednecks out there who'd, " to spit some Beech-Nut in that dude's eye, and shoot him with my old .45..." to quote Hank...
You know, someone is going to do an unflattering documentary on Moore himself one day. That will be a most appropriate retribution. And he's giving them the footage they will use. He'll end up looking as foolish as McCarthy in the 50s.
Not to surprised from the title of this thread. If Michael Moore gains anymore weight he'll blow up like that guy from Monty Python. :shock: :shock: :grin: :grin: :911: Does this mean that Michael Moore supports terrorism or he has been linked? I hope so... :lol: