enemy territory. BTW. Just wanted to let you know I've been reading your board for the past few days and find it to be pretty good. I like the fact that you discuss all of your major sports on one site as opposed to us keeping them seperate. Anyway..... ( and I know this is prob not a good post to start out with ) I was wondering if you all have to deal with a decent percentage of rival fans in La., in person. What I mean is, here at work the split is prob about 50/50 Au/Ua. I know there are a lot of small div 1 schools in La. Do they have a large alumni, or do most still pull for LSU? I would ask who you consider to be your biggest rival, but I think that might lead to degenerative string. Well, I've been a stranger in someone else's house before, so I know the rules and have brought my flame retardent suit with me. I hope that this is a board open to non-disparaging opinions, as I like the perspectives of fellow SEC fans. BloodTypeORANGEandBLUE
I guess you still find them around, I don't know too much cause I am still a student. But I can tell you from ULL, LaTech, and Tulane, they envy us like no other and want to be better then us, but they just can't match up with us. The way a lot of us students feel, we definately don't have an instate rival. We really don't care about Ole Miss as long as we win the Football game. We have the boot but that doesnt mean much to us, not as much as some would like. Auburn has what we considered a big rivalry with all thats gone on but they have Bama. Florida has Georgia and we think that is pretty big game too. So really I don't think we have a big rivalry with anybody except for the week we play them in a major sport. We always welcome other SEC posters as long as they want to discuss something and not just come on here to flame or stur things up.
Let's see. LSU really has no decent in-state rivalry since Tulane left the SEC and began a downward spiral. We don't even play them anymore and they have considered dropping football. :grin: The other Div-I schools in Louisiana (ULL, ULM, LA Tech) are small schools with no real business in Div I, but all were competitive in Div I-AA and Div II and have small but proud followings that are very anti-LSU. ULL is the worst and we have stopped playing them in baseball and softball because of their bad sportsmanship during games. It really was ugly. LSU fans basically ignore these schools. :dis: LSU's traditional out-of-state rivalry is with Ole Miss, but that series declined in popularity as Ole Miss football declined in the 1970's and never recovered. Basically LSU's main rivalry is whoever stands between it and a shot th the SEC title. In the 60s it was Ole Miss. In the 70s and 80s, it was Bama. In the 90's it was Florida. In the 21st Century it has been Auburn, though Georgia may be stealing your thunder a little bit. :hihi: Wearing your thick skin is always wise, we have a few folks who are hard on Aubies, but many more who enjoy some friendly banter. Tuberville ain't real popular here and if you want to get severely bashed, start some negative talk about LSU fan behavior. We are thouroughly tired of the increasingly unbelieveable stories coming from the Plains. The corndog business is just too silly to be annoyed about, it makes us embarrased for you. :wink: On the other hand Auburn is our only serious competition in the West and we're interested in your insight. :geaux:
Basically if you are from ULaLa, ULM or UL Ruston (La Tech) you suffer from a horrible case of penis envy. These schools not only try to beat us in athletics they are always trying to pass off their school as some ivy league school that every person is louisiana should go to. As far as the rival thing I think redd is right it basically depends on who is standing in our way. CNS has brought the attitude to not only the players but the fans that we should be concerned only with the next game.
to clarify this beautifully written point. some people have no choice but to go to these schools. I am a good example because I chose pharmacy as a major and ULM is one of only 2 schools that offer this (other is Xavier). Also, for other students it worked better to go to tech or ulm because of financial reasons. the funny thing is you will probably see more people wearing lsu hats at ULM then you would see them wearing gear to support there own school. Oh, by the way, ULM sucks in every sports they play.
I think the large majority of people from La, regardless of which school you went to pull for LSU 1st, then their alma mater (if not LSU) 2nd. Out of my 4 closest friends, 2 of us went to McNeese and 2 went to USL. But it is not even close as to who we all pull for. We all have varying reasons of why we went where we did (for me my mom was a single parent and McNeese was considerably cheaper along with the fact that McNeese had a internship for Nutrition while LSU did not). So even though the smaller schools have some fan base that hates LSU, the far majority pull for LSU even ahead of their own school.
It also depends on how well LSU is performing. After the NC many of my famliy members not LSU fans from north LA, suddenly became huge fans. Who would always ask why do you want to attend LSU we have other great schools. (LAtech and ULM) I understand that a majority of La reisidents pull for LSU. To add to my beautifully written post. I am referring to fans such as those who jumped on the message board before we played them and talked alot of smack. All of my friends who were not as fortunate as I to attend LSU and when to the directional schools are LSU fans and are not included into the category of LSU bashers. I am sure we all know people like these.
I live in Texas, and Louisiana does not have the tension that exists here between Texas, TA&M, Texas Tech, and even OU fans. LSU is starting to be a part of that mix because of our athletic prowess--especially in football and baseball! I'm with the consensus here. We basically hate whoever we're playing next. Like right now: Miami? I HATE 'em. Well, actually, I hate them anyway, but you see the point.
I am living proof of that. USL/ULL grad but LSU definitely the school I pull for. It's a state pride thing.