Did some Tiger fan once throw a beer bottle at Herbie when he and the Gameday crew came down to Baton Rouge? There must be some reason he always badmouths LSU on TV. In ESPN's mythical championship playoff, he picked the Tigers to lose to USC, lose to Ohio State, and lose to Michigan, against whom he said LSU's running game "would not gain a yard." And this badmouthing trend hasn't just been this year, either. I remember vividly Gameday having a segment called "Exposed in October" back in 10/03. It was where both Herbie and Corso picked one top-ten team who they predicted would start losing games left and right, and thus be exposed for the frauds that they really were. Herbie picked LSU. Tigers went on to win the national championship that year. Though Herbie said afterward that USC was clearly the better team. Any thoughts on what motivates this hater? :helmet:
It was a golf ball. After that they started putting the net up behind the College Game Day stage. Herbstreit is a Big-10 homer. He's down on all the SEC schools.
I think that he has a drinking problem. Not alcohol......HATERADE! He is a former Ohio State QB and is probably one of the most biased person in the sports media. Sometimes haters just be hatin'! :lol:
In addition to being a Big 10 homer as Red stated, Herbie also has to play off the ESPN personality he's picking against. Mark May was with us from the beginning to end in the ESPN MNC gig so it was only natural for Herbie to pick the opposite side of the argument. In the Gameday picks, Corso normally picks us so Herbie picks against us to stimulate the discussion.
Even though I think Corso is just down right hilarious they are both idiots. You do have to admit that Corso is funny, at least he has that going for him. KH is a big (eleven) homer and I don't make a habit of putting more than an ounce of thought into anything he or his "not so fast my" friend has to say. On a side note, have you seen that clan of Herbstreet kids he brings on the set now and again. He's got like four or five of those curtain climbers.
I like Kirk... when he goes on non ESPN radio shows. When he doesnt have to follow a scrpit he is very informative.
Sorry, but he hates us because of me. You see I have fathered two of his kids. It is all my fault, she said she had never been with a Tiger before, but only a worthless nut......the lowly buckeye.