Today we witnessed two of the premier college football teams in an old fashioned SEC defensive Steel Cage Death Match. It was Joe Louis-Jack Dempsey, Ali-Frazier and Holyfield-Tyson all rolled into one. Both teams had the chance to just lay on the canvas and let the referee count them out. Hey, it would have been easy to just lay there and end the pain of a merciless slugout. Nobody would have blamed them. Both pugilists had put up one hell of a fight. Both had given more than the now standard 110%. Nobody would have lost any respect for the loser. But no. Both the Tigers and the Bulldogs displayed an indomitable refuse to lose spirit on a hot and humid Saturday afternoon in the tropical climate of Baton Rouge. Today it wasn't the size of the dog in the fight or the size of the fight in the dog. It was the size of the fight in the Tiger. I can't wait for the rematch in the Georgia Dome. LSU-UGA II That could be the "Night that the lights went out in Georgia" From week to week as the season goes on I'll be thinking of LSU's opponent for that week. Next week Moo U, the Auburn WarPlainTiger Eagles, the Alabama Crimson Faces, ect. But somewhere in the back of my head I'll have "Georgia on my Mind"