My family and I just returned from Batesville, MS. (JSRacing's home town) where we laid to rest a dear relative named Brandon Presley. Brandon was 21 years old and a U.S. Marine. He was injured on December 12, 2005 while in a fire fight with insurgents when a suicide bomber rammed the humvee that Brandon was occupying and detonated the bomb. Brandon died on December 14, 2005. It makes no difference what one's position may be on the war in Iraq, the men and women that are laying their lives on the line are TRUE HEROES. Having witnessed the events of the wake and memorial service I can only say that it was nothing short of spectacular. Indeed, what I just experienced will stay with me for the rest of my life. The church capacity was approx. 900. On the night of the wake there was a nonstop procession of people wanting to express their condolences that extended from the front of the church, down the isle and out the back which lasted from 4pm until at least 830pm. The next day at the memorial service the church was filled to capacity. Believe me when I tell you there was not a dry eye in the whole church and even before the services was really an experience of a life time. There were two huge fire ladder trucks parked across the parking lot from one another with the ladders fully extended and draped between them was a huge American flag. As the procession made it's way to the church from the funeral home there were firefighters, local police, state police, sheriffs, active and retired military, lining the street and all standing at attention and saluting as the procession passed by. It was really amazing to witness. Brandon's commander from Camp LeJeune(I think that is how it is spelled) in North Carolina was in attendance as were many other marines. He was one of the speakers at the service as was a military chaplain. Needless to say, the service was riveting. To hear these guys makes it crystal clear how the marines get motivated and believe me when I tell you they were as sincere as the day is long. Made me realize just how proud I was to not only be an American but more importantly a relative of Brandon's. After the memorial service and as the procession made its' way to the burial site the roads were lined with men and women, young and old, some holding babies and other small children, business owners and employees, average citizens, and motorists that had stopped on the road, most of whom were holding either small American flags or large ones and holding their hands over their hearts. It was something that you only expect to see on television. I am still in shock from the experience and am truly amazed at the bond of the brotherhood that apparently exist between members of the armed forces. I have never had the privilege of saying that I ever met a hero much less that I knew one personally. I am extraordinarily proud to say that I do now. Brandon died not only in the service of his country but died trying to make a difference and trying to make his family proud. Brandon, you are a HERO. You will definitely be missed....but never will you be forgotten. :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa
On our knees before God, we ask Him to take Marine Brandon Presley into His arms and lead Brandon to Eternal Life in Heaven. Amen.
Had to reach for the Kleenex while reading the post. The people of Batesville are to be commended as well for recognizing and appreciating Brandon's service. Very touching story. Thanks for sharing.
I have had my first Christmas in Heaven A glorious and wonderful Day! I stood with the saints of the ages Who found Christ, the Life, the Truth and the Way. I sang with the Heavenly choir Just think! I who longed so to sing And oh, what celestial music We brought to our Saviour and King! We sang the glad songs of redemption How Jesus to Bethlehem came And how they had called His Name “Jesus” That all might be saved through His Name. We sang once again with the angels The song that they sang that blest Morn When shepherds first heard the glad story That Jesus, the Saviour, was born. Oh, how I wish you had been there No Christmas on earth could compare With all of the rapture and glory We witnessed in Heaven so fair. You know how I always loved Christmas It seemed such a wonderful day With all of my loved ones around me The children so happy and gay. Yes, now I can see why I have always loved Christmas And oh! What a joy it will be When you and my loved ones are with me To share in the glories I see. So, Dear Ones on earth here is my greeting, Look up till the day dawn appears And oh, what a Christmas awaits us Beyond all of our partings and tears.
Wow. Thanks for sharing that story. It appears there are some great people in the town of Batesville. :usaflagwa
Thanks to all that are praying, posting and the others sending private messages, your kind comments are deeply appreciated. It has occurred to me that Brandon's mother, father, brother and grandmother might find solace in reading the posts on this thread, knowing that even total strangers sympathize with them over their tremendous loss and recognize Brandon's extraordinary bravery and ultimate sacrifice. Is it ok to share these posts with his immediate family?