No, I don't recall a single player winning anything. Not even sure if we were even nominated for anything, actually.
Coach Miles should be able to use this as a motivational tool in the Sugar Bowl. Maybe our individual players should feel bitter and angry about being ignored by the national powers-that-be that award individual players. I hope that our individual players take this to HEART: WE DON'T NEED AWARDS FOR INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS, BECAUSE WE HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE THE 2007 SUGAR BOWL CHAMPIONS AND ONE OF THE TOP 2 OR 3 TEAMS OF THE 2006 SEASON . . . WE CAN EARN THIS . . . LET'S DO IT !!
Couldn't agree more and the team's accomplishments are more important than individual accomplishments. I'm sure their shelves are full of individual awards and their bank accounts will soon be full of monetary rewards. Even though it's nice when you can have both, I know our kids are team oriented....we don't hear problems coming from wanting more playing time with the RB by committee or the capable QB's on the bench, etc. It makes me proud of them, especially in today's society where kids want what they got coming the Texas QB leaving, etc. It meanse we're recruiting the right kind of athletes who are "Team oriented"! :thumb: