I was just wondering if anyone has verification on the rumor that Jimmy Sexton is in contact with Florida negotiating for Tuberville to take that job?
I think that Sexton is going to float Tuberville's name for a few jobs and bend the AU administration over for more $$. If Tuberville wanted to leave AU, he'd have to pay a pretty big buyout.
Yeah, no truth to this rumor. Tubby would have to fork over, get this, THREE MILLION DOLLARS if he left AU "voluntarily" (to take another job). I'd say he's staying put.
What a nauseating idea ... even Foley wouldn't stoop that GD'd low and go for a slimeball like that low-life bag of crap & cigar-smokin', fellow coach post-game smartazz comment makin' scumbag coach like CTT UF has been a team that shows class and plays FB with class recently. Why they would want to hire a worthless piece of crap like CTT is beyond me. When you put dress up and put lipstick on a pig ... whaddaya get ... A dressed-up purty party pig (CTT) that can't wait to roll around in the mud.
...kinda reminds me of what my pawpaw used to say.... "Son, no matter how hard you try, you can't polish a turd" ...or as my high school football coach said about a team of his in a preseason interview with a local radio station.... Interviewer: "So, coach. What kind of team are you going to have this year?" Coach: "Well. You can't make chicken salad out of chicken $hit."
ramah, it's a good thing you qualified your statement by tagging the word "recently" on the end..... :dis: BTW - don't worry, it'll NEVER happen.