I saw him today in the quad. He was off the crutches and the cast was gone but he did have something on his ankle that looked like some sort of splint. He seemed to be walking fine.
From Saban's Monday Press Conference Luncheon "From an injury standpoint, we're hoping that (wide receiver) Skyler (Green) is going to do dry-land running today, and how he responds to that will determine whether he can practice tomorrow. But he seems to be getting along very well. (Tight end) Mit Cole is probably within striking distance, so he'll be able to get back as soon as his brace gets in. He's going to do dry-land running, and they're going to start running Herman Johnson a little bit today. Those are really the only three guys that are not going to practice today." "Wet land" running does not involve a swamp or a pair of coonass duck boots ... But rather, physical therapy in any of the huge pools on the east side of the stadium in the trainer's area ... so, he's out of the pool and back on the field and should also practice and run Tuesday ... he'll play!