What a painful Basketball season. I don't think I've every been as glad to see a season come to an end. Interesting to see where we go from here, to say the least.
Unfortunatly I think we will be watching reruns. Is Brady going to scrap his offensive system and go to one that gives his team a chance? I doubt it. Is he going to learn how to develope talent during this off season? Nope. Will he learn to scout other teams and make in game adjustments? Don't hold your breath. I remember Curley Hallman having tons of talent and no clue what to do with it. I see Brady walking the same path as Curley and it isn't pretty. :geaux: :lsug:
Yeah, but don't blow the whole season on him. If we don't look like a much better team by the time SEC play starts, drop his A$$.
Brady ball is over till next season. Give him credit he did make good use of his timeouts tonight. Sour - he must have been listening to your advice.
Why-as LSU fans, TAF members, and ardent supporters of our University-should we have to hear quotes and agree with them from other fans like ourselves that state... "I've never been so glad to have a season over?" I mean...I'm sorry, but if this isn't indicative of 90-95% of the fans viewpoint in light of the mediocre muck put out on the court, the whoring of the LSU Basketball Program in the face of a total lack of veteran talent, and the total inability of a coach to admit any kind of failure, accountability, or responsibility for one iota of the results of this team, what is? We were GLAD the basketball season was over? We were GLAD to see this team walk off the court for the last time? It's time for a CHANGE. Cut bait, I say...Cut bait!
How about when Netler fouled and Brady was telling him "nooooo No foul" and the announcer were talking about he should have fouled. I think we should hire the play by play guy as our coach he sounded like he new more about the situation on the floor then Brady did with 1 minute and 27 seconds left and down 10.
Yes that was clearly a no brainer. With the time left on the clock and the score at the time LSU had to foul just to have a chance. Another example of a clueless coach getting on his player when he does the right thing because the coach has no clue what to do. Brady is clearly in over his head. :dis: :dis: :dis: