Guys, I Found This On A Dawg Site

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Golfdude, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. Golfdude

    Golfdude Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Some pinhead Dawgy fan had the nerve to post this on one of their feeble posting boards:

    I need to share this incident with my fellow posters on this site and maybe we can help each other.
    I have been taking my daughter to the same Doctor since she was born 8 years ago; during that time I have sparked a friendship with a young nurse there. She is originally from Louisiana but moved to Georgia as a teenager (she apparently wanted to be near people that wore shoes and could read). She is happily married and the Mother of two beautiful children. She is a Tiger fan and we rib each other to no end. But today she announced, in a voice loud enough for all to hear, that SHE IS RAISING HER CHILDREN TO BE TIGER FANS. Immediately her co-workers and the Dr.s were on the phones calling Child Protective Services. I, being the point man, keep the conversation going until help could get there. A psychiatric intervention team arrived and within a few minutes it was clear that she had issues that required attention. Her life may change for the better. As I am typing this, she is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation and I am sure long-term counseling will be the treatment. More importantly, we may have saved her children’s future. As Tiger fans they would have been looked down upon and considered evil by our society. They are currently in the care of their Father (my question is: Where was he through all of this? Was he unknowing to the fate that awaited his children? Was he a part of their brainwashing? I do not know the man, but I hope he has the good heart and good sense to teach good over evil to the children). I am sure, with proper counseling and time, their futures are secure as good, Georgia fans, and upstanding citizens in our society. We all know that as children the harm can me minimized, but later in life, it would come back to haunt them. I thank God an intervention was performed.

    I know….I know….this may all seems impossible…..but trust me……there are people who, actually, choose to be Tiger fans……as awful as it may be. This evilness must be contained. This is one of the biggest problems facing our society today………. the spread of the evil that permeates from Louisiana. This challenge is not to be taken lightly. It is our responsibility…..all of us. We, the citizens of Georgia, have taken great pride and diligence in keeping this evil nemesis contained to that state of Louisiana. But, everyday it seems, more and more move out from Louisiana and try to undermine our way of life. They lurk in the shadows, blending into our lives, until we are comfortable. Some even learn to drive a car, speak the language and brush their teeth………But they are not to be trusted. At any given moment, they pounce on unsuspecting citizens……proclaiming the virtues of LSU football…..acting proud to be an LSU fan… if it was accepted by our society……THIS SPREAD OF EVIL MUST STOP. And we, the people, must stop it. Stamp it out of our lives…..forever.

    That leads me to ask: Does anyone know of any organizations, government affiliated or not, clubs or support groups……of any type, that have taken up the cause of stopping the spread of evil Tiger fanaticism as their cause in life? I feel I would be a valued member to any and all. We need to unite on this cause people. If we do not do it now…..where will we all be in 5, 10 or 20 years???…….The thought is hideous……. Let’s work together to stop it.
  2. Soap

    Soap Founding Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    bah.. not worth reading...

    Cliff notes or die
  3. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Hummm ok... ;)

    I need to share this incident with my fellow posters on this site and maybe we can help each other.
    I have been taking my daughter to the same Doctor since she was born 8 years ago; during that time I have sparked a friendship with a young nurse there. She is originally from Georgia but moved to Louisiana as a teenager (she apparently wanted to be near people that wore shoes and could read). She is happily married and the Mother of two beautiful children. She is a Bulldog fan and we rib each other to no end. But today she announced, in a voice loud enough for all to hear, that SHE IS RAISING HER CHILDREN TO BE BULLDOG FANS. Immediately her co-workers and the Dr.s were on the phones calling Child Protective Services. I, being the point man, keep the conversation going until help could get there. A psychiatric intervention team arrived and within a few minutes it was clear that she had issues that required attention. Her life may change for the better. As I am typing this, she is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation and I am sure long-term counseling will be the treatment. More importantly, we may have saved her children’s future. As Bulldog fans they would have been looked down upon and considered evil by our society. They are currently in the care of their Father (my question is: Where was he through all of this? Was he unknowing to the fate that awaited his children? Was he a part of their brainwashing? I do not know the man, but I hope he has the good heart and good sense to teach good over evil to the children). I am sure, with proper counseling and time, their futures are secure as good, LSU fans, and upstanding citizens in our society. We all know that as children the harm can me minimized, but later in life, it would come back to haunt them. I thank God an intervention was performed.

    I know….I know….this may all seems impossible…..but trust me……there are people who, actually, choose to be Bulldog fans……as awful as it may be. This evilness must be contained. This is one of the biggest problems facing our society today………. the spread of the evil that permeates from Georgia. This challenge is not to be taken lightly. It is our responsibility…..all of us. We, the citizens of Louisiana, have taken great pride and diligence in keeping this evil nemesis contained to that state of Georgia. But, everyday it seems, more and more move out from Georgia and try to undermine our way of life. They lurk in the shadows, blending into our lives, until we are comfortable. Some even learn to drive a car, speak the language and brush their teeth………But they are not to be trusted. At any given moment, they pounce on unsuspecting citizens……proclaiming the virtues of Georgia football…..acting proud to be a Georgia fan… if it was accepted by our society……THIS SPREAD OF EVIL MUST STOP. And we, the people, must stop it. Stamp it out of our lives…..forever.

    That leads me to ask: Does anyone know of any organizations, government affiliated or not, clubs or support groups……of any type, that have taken up the cause of stopping the spread of evil Bulldog fanaticism as their cause in life? I feel I would be a valued member to any and all. We need to unite on this cause people. If we do not do it now…..where will we all be in 5, 10 or 20 years???…….The thought is hideous……. Let’s work together to stop it.
  4. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I saw the same thing on a Georgia Board that had it turned around to pump up LSU and down Jawja...
  5. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    LOL, what a croc...
  6. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    that is sooooooooo retarded.......however SouthLink's sig makes up for the stupidity.....:D
  7. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    Glad ya like it :D :D

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