Harrold marks year of guns in schools A year ago, they started letting certain teachers carry guns. Pretty interesting.... It really was accepted quite positively when it happened here. I wonder if other schools or universities will follow suit anytime soon.
Don't hold your breath. The schools and the faculties are seriously against this. It's all coming from legislators who don't know squat about campus security.
And I remember when everyone behaved because they didn't want to get paddled at school and at home. I always knew if I got in trouble at school, the punishment was going to be twice as bad at home.
sure, but its very hard/impossible to determine who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. plus, good guys can become bad guys.
the psycho kids will know exactly which teachers have guns, and will kill them first. the odds that armed teachers could stop a school shooting are approximately zero. the odds of a gun on campus contributing to something negative are substantially more than zero. guns in general are a bad idea, the fewer around, the better.
I agree with this. It's much more likely some kid grabs a gun from a teacher and shoots another student than that teacher saving lives by shooting down a gunman.
right. a school isnt like a bank where there is something you need to defend with guns. when schools get shot up, it is some psycho kid that snapped and wants to shoot his girlfriend or bullies and random kids and himself. and so periodically some kid will lose it and go on a rampage. not really much you can do about it. arming teachers only makes us a little more trashy of a society.