Wanted to drop in and tell you guys congrats. Well played game and exciting as hell. Good luck wherever you go bowling, and geaux Tigers (is that how you spell it?). P.S. Fire Houston Nutt. We have a QB who went 3 for 17 for 29 yards and we keep him in the game? I mean, it's not like we have a 7-0 starter who happens to be the Parade Player of the Year on the sideline. Oh wait, we do. F*ck you Nutt.
Thanks hogcalls, it lived up to it's billing. You can be proud of your team, they played a good game.
Thanks for the congrats and yes one hell of a game. Please explain why Mustain isn't the starting QB? Not that I'm complaining or anything.:grin: :grin: :grin:
Thanks hogcalls. It was a VERY exciting game, to the last minute. Can't ask for much more. McFaden is amazing.
I just posted that in another thread hogcalls. That was stupid to have 2:30 left and start panic-throwing the ball. Give McFadden and Jones the chance and I think it wouild ahve been a little too close for comfort for me.
Thanks. I wish I could wish you good luck in the SECCG, but we need Florida to win to improve our BCS chances. Sorry. :hihi: But I WILL wish you luck in whatever bowl game you go to. :thumb:
I'm sure most of you guys aren't really interested in the internal politics of another school, but ours is really gonna turn messy in the off-season. This is a quote from a former Arkansas sportswriter who still has lots of contacts in Fayettville about the Nutt Mustain situation. MM=Mustain MSM= Murray St. Mafia (Nutts band of cronies) Beck= Mustain's mother here's why mustain was jerked at south carolina after one attempt and did not play today despite horrific play by dick. don't ask me to prove this or who the sources are. it's all common knowledge to many of us and i/we will not burn our sources. replay today in your head and see if this has legs. 1) nutt has been dogging malzahn and mustain for quite some time to all who will listen. calls them "cancers" and he and his MSM have been spewing the "selfish" notions u have heard and read about MM. 2) he is furious with beck for posting on this board. 3) the MM quotes that will come out in the book. this bunch of goobers actually spread these stories post-south carolina: 1) MM was in a fight at a frat house before a game. they tried passing out the same story on DW. it has zero teeth. 2) there also was a story spread that MM missed the beginning of the team meeting at south carolina. it also has no teeth. any of u who believe MM not playing today need to wake up. nutt REALLY IS that petty and it just cost us huge. wake up, people. it never had anything to do with FB. today should have proven that to even the most animated hugger. i have to go cover a BKB now, so i won't be around for this thread. but i'll be back tomorrow or later tonight. just unbelievable.
But what did mustain do to piss HN off so much that he will not play the better QB? There has to be a reason......right? Am I missing something?