Great Article on USC's so-called 3-peat

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by jimbeaux, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. USNavyTiger

    USNavyTiger Founding Member

    away with you.

  2. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    LSU '03 = :crystal:
    USC '03 = :bncry:
    end of arguement.:bncry: does not equal :crystal:
  3. Bucktown Tiger

    Bucktown Tiger Founding Member

    A point about Oklahoma

    They went into their last game in a difficult situation. EVERY publication stated that OU would go to the BCS Championship wether they won or lost their Conference Championship Game. K-State was playing to go to a BCS Bowl instead of some third-tier Bowl. OU had little to gain and little to lose that game - and played like it !
    Anyone who thinks the outcome of that Big 12 Championship would have been the same had OU had to win to get to the BCS Championship is fooling themselves. USC and their fans can't change the rules only when it suits them.

    We ARE the 2003 BCS National Champions !!!!

    LES4PREZ Founding Member

    USC is going for their 2nd nat'l championship. I would have loved to have seen Leinart go against Lavalais and company, we would have killed him. They did not play anyone and they did not play the caliber schedule that we did and they played freakin Michigan to win their share of the title come on man give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tigerhead
  5. JohnnyT

    JohnnyT Founding Member

    Don't lose sight of the fact that the only reason USC finished the regular season ahead of LSU in the AP poll is that they lost a week earlier in the season. I've used that to help defuse a lot of the pro-USC logic.

    Merry Christmas, Tigahs!

    LES4PREZ Founding Member

    :helmet: My thing is that all the coaches bought into the BCS and what I remember we held up the crystal football. USC did not play the schedule we did albeit we should have not lost to Florida but I would put Florida that year against CAL anyday of the week. We earned that title and brought it home regardless of what the AP said....
  7. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    LSU. 2003 National Champions.

    USC, 2003 victims of a stupid system used to determine the national champion, yet a system which they agreed to.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    dude we were telling you this already a zillion times, you dont trust us? well at least you finally came around. geaux.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    exactly, reporters want to do more than report news. they want to make news. if this 2003 USC "championship" was sanctioned by anyone besides a press organization, we wouldnt have to hear this 3peat BS all the damn time.

    no kidding it pisses me the F off to hear it.
  10. Richdog

    Richdog 02 Cecilia alumni champs

    He's got 2 posts and 3 red dots. Must be a record!

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