lsn't it a 3-peat... they won AP in '03, '04, and may win it this year... i'm confused, why is it SO-CALLED ?
AP means ****. When they claim the 3-peat, they are trying to say they won the BCS 3-times. They haven't. It's that simple
"Why the media says (and will say it a million times in the next two weeks) USC won it all that year is baffling because it certainly isn't factual. I guess if everyone repeats the lie long enough, they no longer think they are lying." Great article! A must read.
That was very well-written. He convinced me. That an the fact national media (ESPN) is completely ignoring LSU's accomplishment. Yes, I have recognized USC as a (AP) national champion in '03. I'm an idiot for it, my bad. Reading Justin Vincent's paper champions quote in USA Today was pretty moving too.
Last season, USC won both the BCS and AP National Championships. Guess which trophy that little phucker, Carroll, was hoisting for all the photographers?
The one thing I always say that no one can argue with is this: Would Michigan have been able to claim the NC had they won the Rose Bowl that year? How can you 'win' a championship if the same title is not at stake for your opponent?