The grass aint always greener on the other side unless you are talking cold hard cash and Nick Satan. EDIT I don't think he will have to worry about any more NFL teams coming to court him for a while. Why should Miami be surprised when he left MSU, LSU and Miami the same way. He will probably do this to Alabama also.
Huizenga is not someone you screw-over. In the end, Saban will most regret the way he handled his exit with HWH. kudos to Tigerdog for the fark
Bitter much? They didn't mention that Saban wanted Drew Brees but the Miami doctors wouldn't give him the okay to play. He may be a rat, but don't bash his coaching skills. I hate sore losers.
Wow, and I thought some of us were bitter. Love the comments though. I don't like the way he left or how he handled it, but you can't blame him for taking more security, more money and less limelight. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I hate people who are deceptive and untruthful and Saban is not only those but also a loser in the NFL ranks. he couldn't cut it so he picked up his toys and left........he must not like Christmas or something. :hihi:
One of the most negative articles I have ever read condoning a sports figure. Couldn't find much to disagree with though.