Graybeard roll call: Who was in TS for LSU-UM '88?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by pensacola, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. pensacola

    pensacola Founding Member

    I was.:angry: :po:
  2. GeorgeNC

    GeorgeNC Freshman

    I was. What a miserable time!
  3. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    I was there, no reason for a 10 year old to be put through that.
  4. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    I was there. South End Zone U16. It never rains in Tiger Staium. RIIIIGHT!
  5. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Why don't I remember that game?
  6. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    I was a drunk freshman that would not allow my dorm mates leave early...
  7. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    Was 4 years old and living in Abilene, Texas.
  8. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    I was there
  9. Dutchtown tiger

    Dutchtown tiger Founding Member

    I was 11 years of age and was there in the West upper. Stayed for the whole game. It wouldn't like we were going to get any wetter.
  10. GetBackToWork

    GetBackToWork Founding Member

    Call me weak, I don't care. Back then, we lived within walking distance of TS. Tickets in hand (and full rain wear) we started out. 5 minutes into the deal we said screw it and turned around. While I didn't feel like sitting in the monsoon, I did watch the entire sorry affair. Somewhere, I might still have the tape I made of that game.

    By the end, I don't think there was more than 5,000 in that stadium.

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