This has been explained to me before but i forgot what exactly a gray shirt is. Can anyone fill me in.
a gray shirt is when you enroll in school in december (after graduating in may). This can be done because, it doesn't take up a schollie for the signing season ( it counts against next year). However, that player can not have anything to do with the team in the fall. Basically the player will get an extra spring season for sitting out the fall. The player still gets 5 yrs. to play 4. Hope this helps.
Let me get this straight - a gray shirt who dosen't play in games the following fall is a redshirt. If he plays he is a true freshman. Was Justin Vincent a gray shirt or a redshirt?
Justin was a Gray shirt but the term originally referred to the placement of guys in JUCO's, so now it really refers to 2 different scenario's. The NCAA is looking at ways to stop both of these things from happening but I don't think it's right. It would prevent many a kid from going to college and earning a degree because of mistakes they made when they were as young as 15/16 years old.