I talked to some OU fans in Baton Rouge 2 days before the Sugar Bowl. They had stopped in to a local fast food restaurant for a bite to eat. I couldn't resist it....I had to pick their brain. They were very humble, and told me they were "scared about playing against our defense". They said they "had not faced anyone as good as us all year....not even K-state" Boy were they right.
While we are talking about ridiculous OU fans.... Get this. A couple of weeks ago I had to spend 3 nights in Houston for work purposes. I stayed at a hotel in South Houston near Hobby and while there bumped into an OU fan in the lounge. I was wearing an LSU National Championship shirt and this guy just couldn't stand it. He came over and we started talking about the Sugar Bowl and he launched into the same old crap about how badly the OU fans were treated in N.O. and he went on about several so-called specific instances of supposed "abuse" at the hands of LSU fans. He had all the damn details and specifics of each "incident". Then I asked him where he sat in the Superdome. It was then and only then that this Okie told me that he didn't even go to the damn game but had watched it on TV at his house. All of his information was at best second hand as he obviously couldn't have been witness to any of the alleged incidents. When I told him that I doubted some of these "urban legends" all I got from him was his assurance that these stories were from very reliable OU fans who he knows personally. O.K., as an LSU fan I am expected to believe all this crap from some drunk Okie who I have never met until that night in a Houston Hotel bar. Well, I don't. Then I thought that the only damn difference between this dumbass talking about crap he has no personal knowledge of and the internet is that on the damn internet you can't see the drunks face. To say the least, I doubt much of the B.S. which comes from fans of a losing team especially when they lost to LSU in a National Title Game. I will say this though, the OU fans are still in great pain over the pistol-whipping their Sooners took in N.O. i think it's safe to say that it was a night they will never forget.