Who's ass are they kissing in this instance? Google apologizes for swastika situation | Web Scout | Los Angeles Times I just laugh at some people for their ignorance.
so you pretty much don't know what you are talking about it was just an emotional response out of you anger towards BO or an assimilation response?
what if... google is just kissing that ass? that's all i'm sayin. of course, if you wanna dig deeper into my psychology, we can do that too. i'm not paying, though.
well they have a track record from the article I posted above, I was just interested in the motive behind your comment, psychology withstanding. And its free:grin:
at least the swastika has an alternate and predated meaning. they certainly shouldnt have apologized for that one.
I'll stop with the get over it when you give me an example of something that doesn't occur in the distant past.
you have a bunch of 45 yr olds walking around that were born under Jim Crow. it is most certainly relevant to how they were educated and how they were raised.
yes, they should get over it. to do anything else comes off as weak and is couterproductive to their cause.
no one in this world is going to tell me how to feel about something i have experienced, tell me to get over it and i say phuck you... I dont need anyones respect to make it in this world, i believe i'm doing just fine, while making no excuses for my failures. i'm going to get over it on my own terms and use it as motivation in that process.